
Enslaved By The Alpha King

Matured Contents Contained Here! Rated +18! Sworn to pain! Prophesied as greatness! Luxuria is unaware of her powers till she almost loses the very thing she holds dear to her. Princess Luxuria, who was treated with so much cruelty by her supposed father, grew up to wonder why her father, King Vladimir hated her with so much passion. In a war between King Vladimir of Byra Kingdom and Prince Tristan of Alvra Kingdom, Princess Luxuria was taken captive by Prince Tristan and made his sex slave and king Vladimir did nothing to save his daughter. What happens when Luxuria got to find out that she was the prophesied child of greatness and King Vladimir was the actual murderer of her parents? What happens when Prince Tristan falls helplessly in love with Luxuria and their union became a threat to his first wife, Olivia, who swore to do everything in her power to put an end to the union? What happens when Luxuria uses her union with Tristan and her powers as prophesied to avenge the death of her parents and bring about the downfall of King Vladimir? ***Excerpt*** “She will awaken the treasured gifts; her time shall come. Blood for tears, glory for shame! For she whose hair shall be the mirror of night and day shall usurp your throne. In her hands, the three great kingdoms of the goddess shall unite as one." “She's the keeper of the goddess treasured gifts, she's of noble birth, blue blood, and power. Her rule shall be a reign never to be erased in the sands of time. To whoever her heart shall belong, greatness, strength, and prowess shall he bear. Never to be defeated! Never to be slain in war! Never to be smitten by poison! Unbeatable. Strength. Power. She's the true keeper! She's the chosen one! She's the goddess of truth! The goddess reincarnated symbol of desire!” Prophesied the leader of the coven “GET ME HER HEAD!” King Vladimir roared.

BellezaJ · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Chapter 2

"My Lord! You sent for me"

Moving towards the table, he stood a far distance opposite the king looking at him quizzically, wondering what the problem was.

"It's good you are here." Motions to a seat beside him,


"My Lord! I'll make do with sitting here." he sits opposite the king.

The king looked steadily at his adviser, stroking his chin which now had a 6 o'clock shadow.

"I'll like to ask you, aside from this kingdom, between the two remaining kingdoms of the goddess; which do you think will likely produce a new member to their kingdom to become part of the royal family? A baby."

Lord Klaus squealed and he shook in laughter with reckless abandon. Meanwhile, king Vladimir stood up in fury knocking down his seat in the process. He walked towards him angrily and wound his hands around his neck.

"Lord Klaus! How dare you laugh at my questions mockingly to my face? Seems you no longer have need for your neck! He stared down at Lord Klaus brimming with fury. Lord Klaus's face blanched and the laughter died in his mouth. His forest green eyes stared fearfully at the fury deep in the king's eyes. Speechless, with no words to say. He stood up immediately and backed away from the king.

"My apologies your highness, I did a grave mistake. I seek your forgiveness." he bowed humbly before the king.

"You'll never be forgiven if you ever treat my questions slightly. However, for now, you're forgiven, for I have more pressing issues at hand that need to be treated as soon as possible. Now, I want an answer to my question. Apart from this kingdom, between the two remaining kingdoms of the goddess; which do you think will likely produce a new member to their kingdom to become part of the royal family? A baby."

"Well, my Lord".

He paces back and forth.

"Hmmm! The kingdom of Alvra lost its queen six years ago while birthing the crown prince and their king obviously has no plans to remarry. He's drowned in grief. Then, the kingdom of Pryga... Yes! I got information that the queen is pregnant and due for delivery soon."

King Vladimir shouts in disbelief and starts throwing weapons around the room, thereby scaring and shocking the wits out of Lord Klaus who shifted away from the king.

"Noooooooo! This cannot be happening! The prophecy can't be true. Call the warrior heads! We have a war to plan.

"My Lord, what prophecy?" he walks towards the king, confused.

"What's happening?" he looked at the king expecting a response.

King Vladimir paced back and forth. Removed his crown from his blonde-colored hair, and placed it on the table hands through his hair.

"The dark witches visited a few moments ago, you know their prophecy never bodes well. I called them in to be assured the gods were still on my side. Instead, they gave me a prophecy that chilled me to my bones. According to them, she is the keeper of the goddess's treasured gifts, she's of noble birth, blue blood, and powerful. Her rule shall be a reign never to be erased in the sands of time. Blood for tears, glory for shame! For she whose hair shall be the mirror of night and day shall usurp your throne. In her hands, the three great kingdoms of the goddess shall unite as one."

Lord Klaus is shocked and his eyes bulges out visibly. "Are these the words of the witches? This is not good. It is obviously a threat to your power as a king and the throne you currently sit on. We need to avert this abomination from happening. It must not be allowed to ever be fulfilled. This prophecy should not be told to another, if not the people will start revolting and it will not end well.

Looking up at Lord Klaus in alarm " I never thought of it that way. The witches of the night can not be trusted with this information. Exactly! They behave dubiously and they always have tricks up their sleeves. Send in twelve soldiers to me now, they have a job to do."

"Yes, your highness." Lord Klaus smirks mischievously and exits the war room. Meanwhile, the king continued sitting, lost deep in thoughts. Moments later, the soldiers filed into the war room accompanied by Lord Klaus who walked in behind them. They all looked sturdy and fearless with their facial expressions ridden off of all emotions. Bold. Ready. Fearless.

"Brave soldiers of Byra kingdom. I, King Vladimir your Lord and chief commander hereby place the order; go to the northwest end of the Byra pleasure fountains and ensure all the dark witches are killed! Every single one of them! Leave no one alive

The soldiers' gasps filled the room likewise the horror-filled expression on the face of Lord Klaus who had to put a question across to the king not minding the presence of the soldiers; "My Lord, is it necessary to kill them all? Remember the promise we made to their fathers before now. Their safety and protection we vowed to keep as long as they stood clear of the other villagers. They've always been true to their words. My Lord, I plead with you, please reconsider this plan, it might do us more harm than good."

King Vladimir impatiently looks at his adviser, "Lord Klaus, who is your King?"

"You are the one my Highness."

"Good! Now don't question my words again. Soldiers, go and make sure every single of them is killed."

The soldiers filed out, while Lord Klaus shakes his head in fear looking to and fro between the departing soldiers and his ruthless king.

Meanwhile, the king smirks and says;

"I must end the verdict of the gods!"