
Enscripted Love

Emily, a girl who only know pain from her father, stumbles on her soulmate after running away from home. He, Hunter, will try his hardest to teach her love and kindness, but how can he when Emily's father is always one step ahead?

LunaSoldier16 · Teen
Not enough ratings
15 Chs

Chapter 3


I made her cry? What?

"Woah, woah, woah! Are you in pain? Did I say something wrong?" I backed off of her thinking she doesn't want me to touch her. Instead she turned around and hugged me. She touched me, on her own doing, for the first time. I held her back and stroked her head to comfort her.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For caring." She pulled back and looked up at me. Our faces were centimeters apart, and I wiped away her tears. I smiled and gently kissed her forehead.

"Of course, you're my girlfriend after all."


Oops. I haven't made it official with her yet. So embarrassing. "Only if you want to. I was planning on doing something but-"

Her laugh cut me off, "Then save it for later. I'm sure people are waiting for us for dinner. Can you zip me up?"

I zipped up her dress, and led her princely down the stairs, to the kitchen and dining area.

"I feel bad for not bringing anything, or my dad…" She looked down as she walked. It was either me being too tall, or her being too short, but we were on different levels.

"Your presence is enough. Just bring yourself."

"Are you sure?" She was thinking, I could tell. Someone told her something like 'nothing is free in life.'

I smiled and nodded, "Yes." I told her to wait in the living hall so me, mother, and father could get things ready. When I came back out to get her, she was sitting with Storm looking out at the trees. I thought she would smile because she loves fall, but she looked scared. Like more things are coming for her from that forest. Storm heard me coming and trotted to me, then Emily followed with her gaze.

"Dinner's ready."

"Oh, thank you."

"Do you live in that forest?"

"Yeah. We live in the middle of nowhere. So I have to walk everywhere.

"We? Who do you live with?"

"My dad. He's... different."

"Just you two?"

"Yeah, my mom died from pneumonia."

"Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay." She smiled and laughed but it was broken. "We shouldn't keep them waiting, now should we?"

"No, we shouldn't." I chuckled. "Lets go." I walked her to the dining table and everything was decorated for the season of fall. She was speechless, I could see it on her face.

"It's so pretty!"

"Do you like it?" Asked my father.

"I love it! Oh sorry. It's nice to meet you, I'm Emily Youngblood."

"Im Christifer Johnson; this is my wife, Mary."

"It's nice to meet you," Mary said.

"Thank you for cleaning me up that one time. I hope my body did not shock you."

"Everything about you is beautiful. My son sure thinks so." She winked at me. I got embarrassed and helped Emily in her seat.

"Does he really?"


Emily smiled. Someone thought she was beautiful.

"So how old are you?" Asked Chris.

"I'm sixteen. It was my birthday when I ran into him." She looked at me.

"So for you, the words just appeared when it happened?"

"Yes. How long did you have to wait, Hunter?"

"Two years."

"Oh. I'm sorry for taking so long."

"No need to feel bad. It was worth the wait."

"That's good then." She smiled and we began to eat. We talked more about backgrounds and likings and whatnot during dinner. After dessert and games, Chris and Mary clocked in for work tomorrow.

"Hey Emily?"

"Hmm?" She was petting Storm on the couch we were sitting on.

"Can you show me your house?"


"If we ride horseback I'm sure it would be quicker to get there."

"Are you sure you want to see it?"

"Please. If not, then at least give me your number so I can check up on you."

"I don't have a phone. I suppose a ride wouldn't hurt. Lets go."

I got the horse ready, and helped Emily on first, then I joined her. "Wrap your arms around my waist so you don't fall off."

"O-okay." She slowly followed my orders. We set out and she led me to her house.

"I hope it's not too dark, but we're here."

"Where is it?"

She pointed to the run down house. It was nearly on the brink of collapse, but it looked strangely familiar. "It's my home." She removed her hands from my waist and tried to get off, but I held on to her.

"Please. Stay with me tonight. You'll get sick in the cold if you have no heat like this. How long?"


"How long have you been like this?"

"Since mom died, when I was ten."


"Shh, he'll hear you."


"My dad. He won't be in a good mood either."

"What else are you hiding from me?"

She rested her body on my back and I headed back home. "More than you know," she said sadly. As if she told me, I would be in a lot of danger. She's protecting me from her horrors. Her grip softened which told me she fell asleep. I carried her to bed after, I put away the horse and I held her close to me. Trying to come to sense with her life, but we're polar opposites.