

space called Slayer. Enol is an extraordinarily intelligent being, however, taken by ambition and thirsty for power. In the futuristic world in which the story takes place, the galaxy is divided into several factions, each vying for domination of territories and scarce resources. Enol, with his cunning and charismatic leadership, expands his empire through force, conquering planets and subjugating entire races. As Enol amasses a vast army of fanatical followers, a resistance grows in the shadows. A rebel group, led by an artificial intelligence named Aria, is determined to overthrow Enol's authoritarian regime and restore justice to the galaxy. As the plot develops, Enol faces a series of challenges, from epic battles in space to personal confrontations with her own demons. His journey is filled with betrayals, moral dilemmas and exciting twists and turns as he fights to maintain his power and achieve his goals. Meanwhile, Aria and the rebels sneak into Enol's ranks, hoping to find a way to defeat him from within. Members of the resistance are skilled in advanced technology and military strategy, willing to sacrifice everything for the greater cause. As Enol becomes increasingly tyrannical in his quest for total control, the final battle approaches. Will Aria and the rebels be able to gather forces and overthrow Enol, or will he prove invincible even in the face of adversity? Enol of the Universe Saga (slipperylighthearted) is an electrifying webnovel, full of action, intrigue and suspense. Navigate the far reaches of the galaxy together with Enol and Aria and discover who will prevail in this epic battle for the fate of humanity.

Emerald_Net · Sci-fi
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100 Chs


While the business with Evgeniy Cardoso was rumbling on, the aquanauts of the colony were preparing to launch the first submarines. Everyone is tired and irritable, having worked overtime for a month to get a submarine bay up and running alongside the rooms you'd mandated. They stare at you with red-rimmed eyes as you come to inspect the work.

Off an unassuming corridor in the base, a chute has been drilled straight down. Three freezing-cold freight elevators lead one after the other deep into the ice. At each changeover, you pass through two solid airlock doors before heading further down. Everywhere is lit with bare L.E.D. strips which cast the rough foam-on insulation in stark relief. You pass into the main launch chamber. The submarine hangs from a hoist above a pool of water that connects somewhere below to a series of ice-bound lakes that apparently lead to the moon-wide ocean. Several people flit about wearing huge insulating coats, as the temperature here is barely above zero. Marcel Temaru is dressed in one of his usual flower-print shirts. He sits in front of a bank of old-style screens. Marine technology tends towards the robust over the cutting edge.

"We're ready to launch," he says. "But luck isn't always our friend. The unmanned systems aren't responsive enough under all this ice. We can't afford to lose the only sub we have working."

You know where this is going. Someone will have to control the submarine. Marcel puts himself forward and is chosen for the voyage as the one with the most experience with submarines.

You take command at the control center. Most of the other colonists watch the live footage on walls throughout ♜ˢˡⁱᵖᵖᵉʳʸˡⁱᵍʰᵗʰᵉᵃʳᵗᵉᵈ♜. Marcel climbs into the metal cylinder, bids farewell, and secures the hatch.
