
Enlil shall rule

Enlil, a Sumerian god and son of Sandman was defeated by a certain Meta being and now is out on pursuit for power and to rule.

Santa_Wang · Urban
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4 Chs


Notice: I am from Wattpad and I thought of uploading a story here as well 😁. Hope you all like it. Frequency of update will change because of exams and all but please stay tuned!

BTW, this is not a female lead!


"Ms Lux, I would be grateful if you stop your failed attempts of spinning the pen. It is disturbing the class."

The girl in question, bent down to pick her pen and hummed in response with a dreamy look and peered out of the window.

The view was just wonderful. Or, it would be if Mr Port would just shut up for a second and let the girl enjoy it.

The girl, Lux Morgenstern, zoned out and began pondering, "Why was I born?" 

Isn't it interesting? We are born, we grow. Some succeed, some fail. Some hinder us, some help us. And then, poof! We die. What's the point? 

"There's no point for Humanity to survive…" Lux said in a low tone. 

Of course, no one heard her except a certain broccoli head beside him. Oh, and this certain broccoli head had a crush on her.

The wimp with green haired mop was what a certain boy who was king of minus would say [A stupid fcking cliche protagonist which people on Wattpad will use to make shitty stories~]

"Frankly, I agree."

The atmosphere's temperature dropped and the surroundings turned gray. Time paused. 

Our MC, Lux, blinked and the dreamy look was no more. She stared at the window for a while before turning to your screen.

"Hello there. What's up?"



"Me on you?"

I suppose the last one would be quite uncomfortable for most so let's get back to the story.

Author: I won't even bother with the Fourth wall. It's just annoying to fix it. Frankly, it was made to be broken so yeah, fuck it.

My name is Lux Morgenstern, and I am someone who is finding her purpose. I don't know why I was chosen as a student for Union but I don't want to stay here. 

They want to be "heroes".

Now frankly, all have free will to do what they want but it's annoying when they try to undermine my free will.

It is a violation of my rights of free will! 

Author: ooohhhh! You pulled a Regulus Corne-

Don't interrupt. Please.

Author: *Grumbles* 

Anyways, as absurd as the idea of being a hero, who upholds justice for fame, money, girls or boys or God knows whatever, it is fairly interesting. Of course, only when I am not one of them. 

They want to save people, when ironically they bully many in this school itself who are just...normal. I know one guy, Y/N L/N. He has few friends who stand up for him but the odds are against him. 

I mean, why would he even be here if he doesn't have powers? To be a hero? You can do that without powers as well. Feed some dogs. Don't crush ants just because you want to.

I mean-

3rd pov:-.

Lux grabbed the sides of her head as she saw an outline of a Boy in tuxedo with blondish-silver hair and… No… she paid no heed to it… Instead, what enamored her was beautiful, white wings, glowing with divine light. 

It lasted only for a second but it felt like eternity. Everything, people, building, world, universe… Creation was deteriorating in front of her blood red eyes which were strained as she tried to focus on the boy, no.. He was no human..was he?

Everything was deteriorating like sand. Except for her and the.. Being.

The person in front of her was speaking something which didn't help the situation. The deterioration sped up as space distorted. She could grasp few words..

"I will be... fake...…..soon....fat-"

Then all was blur and she was in her seat, panting and sweating.

She could see events playing like cd in front of her, like someone turned on 100s of movies at the same time. 

She could see the person she saw before, with a sword in his hand. And there was a woman kneeling before him. She had beautiful long black hair, a slender figure, black clothes.. Wait… That was her!

"No…" she uttered, finally mustering enough strength. 

The boy swiftly beheaded her in one fell swoop. Her head rolled until it was near a wall which manifested out of thin air. 

The person sheathed his sword, walked over to the head and crushed it beneath his boot and Lux screamed!

And suddenly she was back in her seat, feeling uneasy. 

"It was a dream…?" She muttered.

Few students noticed this but they didn't care enough to ask her what happened. Port was just stuffing student's minds with shitty stories.

Deku, the broccoli head, tapped Lux's shoulder only to be met with glowing red eyes. Deku was scared and started fluttering and stuttering. 

Lux frowned and ignored him thinking what that was about. Now that she was a little calm, she realised there was another person with the Angel…? Wow, what's next? He was Lucifer? God exists? He will send me to hell? Pfft.

But there surely was another person beside him and she, strangely, felt related to him. A happenstance? Nah.. synchronicity? Who knows?

She sighed and went back to looking out of the window waiting for this shitshow to end.


This should have been the end for the prologue but it isn't.

Lux was going back home and was having a migraine.

"Ugh. That stupid nightmare… that must be it!" 

Suddenly, someone grabbed her hand and covered her mouth and pulled her into an alleyway which looked deserted. 

There were three men. Before she could use her power, which was making telekinetic blasts, she was injected with something.

"Hehe~ don't worry sweetie. It was just a serum to disable powers, quirks and all. We don't want ya disturbing our sweet time with you now would we?" 

Lux had tears in her eyes. Was she going to be raped by these disgusting scums? No. Please no!

One of them unbuttoned her shirt and her stomach and bra were exposed to them. This only turned them on more. One even started pulling her pants which were already halfway down. 

Before any of them could remove her pants fully, though, they heard a voice. 

They all turned towards it. It was...Y/N?!

He was panting and was taking a battle stance. 

"Huh?! You wanna go punk?" One of the goons said as he walked forward to confront Y/N.

Y/N punched him in the diaphragm out of blue and severely injured the goon. 

The rest got tensed and let go of Lux. They all turned to Y/N. 

"When we are done with you, we will fuck this bitch in front of you, you motherf*cker!"

They ran towards Y/N. He dodged one of them but was hit right in the face by another.

While they were beating Y/N, Lux went into a trance like state and she was in void. In front of her was the same boy who had decapitated her in the vision. 

"You...you killed me..?"

It came out less intensely and not with enough venom in the voice than she anticipated. 

"No. I can't kill myself."

Huh? His voice was sweet, almost feminine.. Wait what?! 'Myself"?!

"And what do you mean by myself…?" She hesitantly asked. 

"You are me, I am you." With that said, he tapped Lux's forehead and she felt as if information flooded her mind and she would break.


Back in the real world. Y/N was beaten up. Goons were laughing and one of them approached Lux's body.

"Oh? Already broken before we fucked yer brains out eh? Nevermind, we will fuck ya good." He leaned down and groped her with her bra on. He giggled a little before a hand passed through his skull. 

He couldn't even scream as blood gushed out and his brain matter started leaking.

Lux's eyes were blank meanwhile. No emotion being projected or reflected in it.

She (?) Stood up and buckled her (?) pants and walked towards the goons. 

They were still cackling and suddenly!

A slim and fair hand pierced the chest of one of the goon. All who were present were shocked!

Lux came out of the darkness of the street. Darkness wanting to consume all. Darkness... primordial darkness. How did simple darkness feel so menacing? So dark.. It wants to rip your heart out, so dark.. It wants to rip you to pieces, so dark… It will literally swallow you and torture and make you suffer for eternity. 

And from that great darkness, came out light! The divine light burning which shone with no limit! The magnanimous light which will consume creation and darkness itself!

Lux! The light bringer! The one which fell from grace like lightning!

Scorching those who incurred HIS wrath!

Tap. Tap. Tap.

Footsteps echoed throughout the street. The eyes blazing with glory and superiority.

"Hmph. You dare sully my body?"

The same strong, yet feminine voice of the boy spoke.

Y/N pov:

She… Was beautiful…

I was bloodied and beaten however just by looking at her… My pain vanished. Her chiseled face, fair skin, slim arms, beautiful bod-

I just realized her T-shirt was unbuttoned and her bra was visible. My face became hot as I turned away before I came back to my senses.

It was not her voice… And she killed someone… How can a hero do that?

3rd pov:

"It's simple. I am not a stupid hero."

The person(?) replied like it was a blatant truth and the simplest one. 

Y/N was surprised that she(?) could read her mind!

"Yo...you killed him! I will kill ya, you bit-"

His head went flying and rolled on the ground till it was near a wall.

Blood was oozing out of his neck like a fountain and his body was twitching.

Lux(?) was holding a silver-ish katana with a scabbard and sheathed her(?) blade.

"Foolishness Pathetic human. Foolishness."

Lux(?) walked towards the head in a drunken manner with the katana in her(?) hand… And she(?) crushed the head.

"Hmm… I am feeling Deja vu.. Ah.. Yes. I did this before."

Then she(?) turned towards Y/N. 

"Scram you trash."

Y/N ran away as soon as he was ordered. Adrenaline rushing through his veins. He felt like he was just against a monster.. No...God! 

Back to Lux?

"Hmm.. It will take some time." She(?) said while clenching and unclenching his hands. 

Lux(?) smirked and buttoned her shirt and went on her(?) way to her (?) home while singing a tune.

"There lived a certain man, in Russia long ago~ He was big and strong, in his eyes a flaming glow~"


The end!