
Enlightened Son-in-law

Xiao Wen, the son-in-law of the Xiao family is seen as a trash of the family due to not having a meridian. Due to that he is seen as unworthy by his in-laws due to the fact that meridians are needed in cultivation, and due to the advancements in science cultivation and the supernatural isn't seen as being true. Though most of the high families still practice it. Due to that he is seen as unworthy of his place and is looked down upon by the family. But then he was divorced by his wife due to their parents wishes which causes him to be ousted out of the home. While he tried to survive he wasn't given any support which eventually resulted in him dying. But then in a twist of fate he is given training by the legendary Buddha who helps him reach enlightenment and now he is back in the world of the living and will now show his worth to the Xiao family. This is the story of the Enlightened Son-in-law!

Lust_Demon_Samael · Urban
Not enough ratings
34 Chs

Chapter 33

The woman looked at the men surrounding her in fear as she didn't know what to do. She tried to take out her phone but her bag was shot by a bullet from a silenced gun by one of the thugs as they smirked at her.

"Kyaa!" The woman cried out in shock when her bag was shot.

"Don't try to be smart. No one comes to this part of the town and without your phone you won't be able to contact your family." The man with the gun, the leader said to her with a smirk

"She really thought that she won't be in danger because she is a member of the Zhang family. Well, your family has plenty of enemies, we are one of them and you are going to help with our revenge." Another thug said as he smirked at her.

The woman stepped back as she looked at the men surrounding her with fear in her eyes as she didn't have any of her men with her. She had always carried herself with pride of the fact that she is a member of the Zhang family, something which she was taught, but now she is in danger and none of her people are here to protect her.

"Well, I'm sorry to say but your revenge has to be cut short." Wen said as he appeared behind the gunman.

"Huh?" The men voiced out in confusion at the new voice.

Yet that was all the time Wen needed to snatch the gun and smack it on the head of the leader as he fell to the ground unconscious. Though he didn't stop and quickly knocked out the two men beside him as well.

"Who the fuck is this?!"

"Who cares! Take care of him!"

The remaining four thugs recovered and the four of them attacked him him but he dodged their attacks easily before he swiftly knocked then all out with excellent moves. After that he looked at the woman as she is looking at him with shock on her face.

"I guess I arrived just in time, haven't I?" Wen said to her with a smile on his face.

The woman blushed when he said that as she nodded at him. She then shook her head and coughed lightly into her fist before she looked at him.

"Thank you for saving me from them. I don't know what would've happened should they have captured me, but probably not anything good for my family if what they said are to be believed." The woman said to him with a smile on her face.

"I suppose. I think I heard them saying that you are from the Zhang family." Wen said to her with a smile.

"Yes, my name is Zhang Ai. Once again, thank you for saving me." Chie said to him as she smiled at him.

"It was my pleasure. But I would suggest that you should get out of this area as soon as possible. It's not a safe part of the city." Wen said to her as she nodded to him at hearing that.

"Yes, I could call my family but I suppose it would be better to get out of their area first." Ai said as she looked at the thugs.

"I agree with that. Let me just take the guy's gun." Wen said as he took the gun.

He took off its silencer and threw the gun away as Ai looked at his actions.

"Why didn't you keep it?" Ai asked him as she looked at him.

"I don't want to be seen with a gun and it might escalate things. But this is a good time for us to get out of the area." Wen said to her as he looked at her.

"Right right. Let's go quickly." Ai said as she realised that what he said is correct.

She walked at front as Wen trailed beside her with a smile on his face as they walked out of the area they were in, after that he told her that they are in a safe place as there are people around them as she let out a breath of relief, as she had been feeling tense as they walked through the area.

'Wait, we could've taken the car. I forgot due to the panic but whatever, I'm just glad I'm safe.' Ai thought to herself as she sighed in relief at that fact again.

"I believe this is the time for you to contact your family miss. Better to be safe with them than being outside after an attack." Wen said to her in a polite tone and a smile.

"Y-Yes, you're right. One moment." Ai said to him as she opened her bag and looked inside.

She became disheartened when she saw that her phone had been hit by the bullet. She then rummaged through it and found the transponder that she always carries with herself and sighed as it isn't damaged.

"I'll call my family's security with this transponder." Ai said as she pressed the button of the transponder.

"That's pretty convenient." Wen said to her with a nod.

"By the way, I haven't asked what brother's name is. If not for you then I might not have been able to escape from there." Ai said to him as she turned to him curiously.

"My name is Chen Wen, though if possible, I would like it if you didn't tell your family about me." Wen said to her with a smile.

"Oh, why?" Ai asked him curiously about that as she knew that many people would want a favour from her family.

Not to mention, since he had indeed saved her life he would get a big favour from the family, that is something that many would want for themselves and he is telling her to not inform her family about him.

"Well, I do not want to be exposed to the politics of the higher families. You know how they are, as the Zhang family are very influential, it might cause some of the other people wanting your attention to focus on me and that is not something I desire to happen." Wen said to her with a polite smile on his face.

"But still, you will be a honoured person in our family, at least for saving my life. Shouldn't they know?" Ai said to him as she looked at him.

"Maybe, but you can't guarantee my safety all the time. I'm not naive as to believe that the other families won't do anything when they learn about me. I am just a normal doctor." Wen said to her politely.

Ai looked at him when she heard that and then she sighed and nodded her head. She also knew how dangerous the world of politics and high ranking families is. Her father and mother had warned her about it countless times, as showing weakness to others might cause great harm to themselves and their family.

And if his words are to be believed then he is a normal man who had come to her help. He wouldn't have the resources to protect himself if such high ranking families are involved and are trying to take care of him.

"Alright, if that is what you wish then I won't press the issue. But still, you are the one who saved me from those men. Can I at least have you contact info?" Ai asked him as she looked at him.

"I have no problems with that." Wen said to her as he took out a piece of paper and wrote his number on it.

After making sure that it is correct he handed the paper to her as she took it and looked at it. She then smiled at it and then looked at him.

"Thank you for this, if you ever need my help in the future, then please don't hesitate to contact me." Ai said to him as she gave him her card with her info.

"I will. Stay safe miss Zhang." Wen said to her with a smile and polite tone.

"You saved my life. You can call me Ai, brother Wen." Ai said to him with a small blush on her face.

"I see. Thank you for the permission. Now, I guess I should go before your security arrives, I don't want them to see me." Wen said to her as she nodded to him.

Though Ai wanted him to come with her to her family home, she also knew the dangers to which she would push him into when she does that.

'This is the first time someone has helped me without asking anything in return.' Ai thought to herself as she smiled at him.

"Have a good day Ai." Wen said to her before he walked away from her.

"Have a good day as well, brother Wen." Ai said to him as she watched him walk away with a blush on her face.

'He was also quite handsome.' Ai thought to herself with a blush on her face.

Meanwhile Wen, who was walking away from her just smiled at the success of his plan. Though he knew the plan of the thugs, he decided to let them do it as he used their plans to gain the trust of the woman.

'Now I just have to build on that trust between us.' Wen thought to himself as he smiled and walked away.

As he walked he saw many cars turn the corner and going towards the way he had come from, as he knew that it is Ai's family security as they reached Ai. He smiled at that thought as he made more plans for himself to use.