
Enkidu in Knights and magic

The mc gets reincarnated in Knights and Magic with a few wishes.

Just_A_Random · Anime & Comics
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9 Chs


I just realized that I created a too op mc too fast. Now, I learnt my mistake, and I'm willing to make amends to you all by creating a new fanfic about the mc (New one) going to ATG. He will be a True god with the law of nothingness in the primordial era. He will be born in the middle of primal chaos where the ancestral goddess commits suicide, and decides to create a virtuous being with not too much strength, but all her knowledge(MC).

If you want to entertain yourself with that, check out my new fanfic:

Reincarnated with Law of nothingness in ATG

Make your choice:

Drop this fanfic(I prefer this)

Continue this fanfic and the other one(Might take a lot of time and planning to make this fanfic exciting. Though I will not update it too often, it will still be weekly-ish.)

Sorry for not updating it lately. I had lot of college work to do, but I will be able to continnue the other fanfic if you decide to choose that.

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