
ENK: Mirai Notes

The following events take place in an alternative Earth, approximately 70 years after the apparition of the physical alterations scientifically called UMA (Unknown Morphic Anomalies). Changing the human body and reshaping the concept of mankind. Humans with tails, horns, wings, claws, etc. were the consequences of the phenomenon called UMA. Although not being the same world; Cities, Nations and Continents remain the same with some minimal changes. Due to these peculiarities, some countries took measures that affected their overall structure and even their political affiliation. The number of people with physical mutations was bearable and inoffensive, people accepted them with ease. But 20 years later, dangerous new peculiarities started to appear. An extra-sensorial alteration that allowed humans, either with or without UMA, to have abilities such as: pyrokinesis, telekinesis or cryokinesis... between other elemental awarenesses. Their average control, power and stamina were minimal compared to an average police brigade, but one individual was worth a hundred in a battlefield with the right equipment. Many countries around the world set their eyes towards them, either trying to obtain or make use of their power. These cases of extra-sensorial abilities remained unknown to the public eye. Their numbers were a few thousands and didn't caused much of a threat, but since they were used by various states in military maneuvers, short time passed until their existence became a reality to the rest of the world. Public opinion was rough towards them compared to the average UMA. Xenophobic groups were impactful in some Nations. Terms such as 'morph' became depictions of the UMA definition, but extra-sensorial ability users never received a name, their powers became being called peculiarities after a pro movement of their rights in 1968. Currently 2% of the world has UMA and approximately a 0.0005% have mild special abilities. But for 20 years a new class of power was kept a secret amongst human civilization. The people in possession of these new attained powers became the main focus for the ones that knew about their existence. In consequence, governmental oppression against the average 'quirks' users became almost non-existent and a new name appeared for them, 'gifted'. The name these new individuals received was non other than 'blessed'. They couldn't be compared to humans, 'blessed' abilities far exceeded the average of a small control over elements. It is said that an individual with such type of 'quirk' could shake entire nations at its maximum control. Unfortunately, due to its immense power, they result in self-harm against their own wielders and other people, consequentially being discovered and enclosed for further experimentation on their limits and origin.  This sets up the story in the year 200X: Real historic events have no relation to the current story timeline, the only similarities revolve around the existence of two Great World Wars, but not on how they happened. Fifteen years ago, the first official organization based around the perfection and mastery of those quirks was created. With the use of swordsmanship as a tool of meditation and self-defense, the users were able to differ themselves from their own destructive "blessing" and learn a much deeper understanding about them. This organization is called Entaku no KISHI (円卓の騎士), meaning, The Knights of the Round Table. Their members perform missions around the world with their main goal of rescuing and protecting enslaved 'blessed'. Once their job is done, they may grant people the opportunity to join them and become new members of the KISHI or help them return to the normal lives they once had.

Alekai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


[main character: Shion]

KAY: That man over there. Is our leader: Arthur, the King.

I've never met him. Is this man really him? He doesn't look any special.

As a cold breeze pierced the air, that man spoke.

ARTHUR: It's been a while Hashimoto... you've grown a lot.

KAY: Is that really... you?

ARTHUR: Yes (smiles).

I've never seen Kay behave this way. She's on the verge of tears.

KAY: But, why? Why did you leave us?

ARTHUR: I've never did. I kept myself close to all of you, always.

KAY: ...

ARTHUR: Don't worry Kay... You all did very well without me, I'm glad I didn't had to intervene. For now, I will wait here to meet everybody.

LILLY: (waves) Hey! Do you remember me?

ARTHUR: You? Have I meet you before?

LILLY: Yes! You helped me on Shion's birthday a month ago.

ARTHUR: I apologize, but it seems I can't remember you. Anyways. Where are the rest Kay?

KAY: The only ones available right now are just me, July, Bors and Lance, but she still hasn't return from her training.

ARTHUR: She still pushes everyone to their limits?

KAY: Yes Arthur, she still does... and I think she wants to see you the most.

ARTHUR: I know. I will wait for her here...

LILLY: Lance!

As we named her, she just arrived from where we came from.

LANCE: July told me to come here. What is hap-...

KAY: ...

ARTHUR: Hi. (smiles) I hope you guys haven't forgotten about me.

This situation is so tense...

LANCE: Are you really...

ARTHUR: You all need to forgive me. I left without an explanation...

He started to walk towards the box of the wooden swords.

ARTHUR: I see you still train the new members with these... are they doing well?

KAY: Yes they are. Sorry for our behavior Arthur, but we still haven't got used to...

LANCE: Your sword.

ARTHUR: What about it Lance?

LANCE: Where is it?

ARTHUR: You know I didn't carried it around all the time.

LANCE: What's its name?

KAY: Enough questions Lance! Can't you see he is Arthur, you always said he would be back right?

LANCE: What. Is. Its. Name.

ARTHUR: I... I haven't used in-

In a half of a second, Lance wielded one of her swords that she had from her training, and rushed towards Arthur with rage. He managed to block the attack using one of the wooden swords in the box.

KAY: What are you doing!?


KAY: Stop! Is that all your evidence? I didn't even know his sword had a name. Lance. Is it so crucial?


LANCE: AARGH! Answer me! (kick)

She kicked him to the side making him back up few meters away.

What is going on?

LANCE: Kay. Listen to me. That person over there. Is not Arthur.

KAY: ... Are you sure?

LANCE: 99% sure.

KAY: And that 1%?

LANCE: It's just my feelings getting in the way.

KAY: Alright then.

They both took a stance! Are they seriously going to fight him? This is very confusing. I've never been in a situation like this before. I guess is it just better if I stand back.

What is Lilly thinking?

LILY: Shion, we need to do something.

- What? Why? If they are really going to fight we will just be dead weight.

LILLY: You are right but... just watching is...

I know Lilly, but this is an exception. What is about to happen might put everyone in danger.

ARTHUR: Really? Kay, it's me! Can't you recognize me?

KAY: Shut your mouth! And tell us what you want and who told you about this place!

LANCE: Or else you will die in this instance. I unconsciously went easy on you, your face distracted me. But after this, there will be no face to look at.

ARTHUR: ... so this is how it is ... Okay.

KAY: You put us both in a bad mood today, so hurry up!

ARTHUR: So ...


His appearance changed! It was indeed a fake!

???: My name is Veles. Nice to meet you.

KAY: Veles? What a presumptuous name.

VELES: As you already know. You guys are not the only ones with power. There are more people in this world with tremendous abilities that are living freely. No corporations, no "organizations", no nothing!

LANCE: Cut the chat! How did you find out about this place?

VELES: Huh? A street dog told me about it.

KAY: I've never thought that she would reveal...

LANCE: Okay that's enough! Now, to end this conversation. Why are you here?

VELES: Hahaha!

LANCE: Don't act so full of yourself!

VELES: I know, I know. It's just that is so funny seeing you two this mad. That dog told me of you both as the strongest of this house but, seeing your faces this angry, just brakes the atmosphere a little bit. What happened? Did I make a good impression of him?

KAY: I am killing this person right now. I don't care what he has to say anymore.

LANCE: I agree!

VELES: Wow there! Don't you want to know why Coyote planned all of this?

LANCE: We don't care anymore.

KAY: The only we care about is to kill you. Any last words?

VELES: Should you guys really be paying attention to me? I think there is a smaller person that you should be worrying about. But, should I really say person?

LANCE: Is he...

KAY: Carbon!


LILLY: Is something wrong with Carb-?

KAY: Lilly! Shion! Go to the infirmary, now!

Finally something we can do. Let's go!

VELES: Lilly... huh? Shouldn't you two go as well?

LANCE: By the time we leave, you'll be dead where you stand.

KAY: You've heard right. Prepare yourself.

We left the scene and rushed towards the infirmary.

LILLY: Are they going to be fine?

- Do you really doubt about their strength?

LILLY: No, but when somebody toys with your heart...

- Eh?

With your heart? I don't really understand.

LILLY: Never mind. We are almost there.

- Wait I hear something...

LILLY: What is...

???: Activation protocol, phase 1. Code name: A.D.A.M.A.N.T.

- Shion, who is saying that?

LILLY: Carbon! (...) She does not respond!

- The door is locked!

LILLY: What? Destroy it you idiot!

???: Prototype C4 - R80N.

- Yes! Yes! Okay... Let my soul be my body, and fire my strength.



LILLY: Carbon are you okay?!

There is a woman wearing a mask! I've never seen her before.

SHION: Who are you?!

What Is she doing to her? She is empty handed, and doesn't seem to have laid a finger on Carbon.

???: Me? What about you?

LILLY: Stop! What are you doing to Carbon?

SHION: Lilly relax, I don't sense any hostility coming from her. She might just be a Kishi just like us.

???: "Lilly"... so it's you? Their plan to bring me back relies on this little girl?

LILLY: Bring you... back?

SHION: Don't tell me...

???: Oh? You seem to recognize me.

LILLY: Who is she Shion?

SHION: She is Tristan the Ten-.


LILLY: Shion!

- Argh...

What? I didn't sense any hostility coming from her at all. And what's with her strength? That really hurt...

COYOTE: I've always been Coyote. Never call me Tristan!

LILLY: I knew you had bad intentions from the start!

COYOTE: You need to be more positive. That blow was meant to break his neck, but he's just fine. I am impressed.

My power was still active from slamming the door.

LILLY: Shion, can you wake up?

- Yes. But, Lilly, Carbon haven't move since we entered the room.

LILLY: Yeah, I've realized, she usually acts different when I am around.

COYOTE: So, you noticed?

LILLY: What have you done to her?

COYOTE: She is just in stand-by.

- Stand by?

LILLY: Don't treat her like a machine!

COYOTE: A machine? You got close. Anyways, I need to finish this before anybody dangerous comes.

LILLY: I won't let you!

COYOTE: Really? I now know the boy is quite resilient, but what about you? Your power of healing... What happens if I cut your head off. Does it grow back? And what if I kill him instead? Does your power bring the dead to life?


She is right, we never actually tested Lilly's healing to its limits. We can't just be overconfident.

COYOTE: Well then. Offensive Systems: ON. Adamant, attack.

Adamant? Is she referring to Carbon?

CARBON: [understood] [engaging].

LILLY: Carbon? What are you...?


She made a small arrow! Is she really going to...

- LILLY! Look out! (PUSH)


LILLY: ...


That arrow made out of thin air, pierced through my chest, making me drop to the ground.

LILLY: uh... SHION!!!

COYOTE: Let's see if you can revive the dead! Silence them Adamant.

CARBON: [understood]

We... have Lilly's power... right?

LILLY: No! No! Why my power does not come out? Why?

COYOTE: Good luck.


COYOTE: They thought they could hunt me down without risks using your power. Let's see what they do when I capture the most dangerous being in this planet. I wonder if they'll have enough risks to not try that again. Until then, Goodbye Lilly.

LILLY: Carbon!

COYOTE: Let's leave.

CARBON: [understood]




Carbon exploded the ceiling on top of us, clearing a path. Then, carbon took off seemlessly and with Coyote, they both left.

Are... they... flying away?

I... can't feel... my power...

What... is going on?

LILLY: Hang on Shion! I will heal you...

- She... didn't pierced my heart...


That voice... Angelo?

ANGELO: I've heard a huge explosion and then the ceiling... Shion!

LILLY: I don't know why, but I can't use my power. I don't understand...

She hold me with all her strengh, her experssion was filled with anger and frustation.

ANGELO: Relax! Let's just bring him to Kay.

As I was losing blood, I could hear everything around me. Angelo patched me and carried towards the training field where Lilly told Angelo were Lance and Kay were.

LILLY: They were fighting a guy camouflaged as Arthur.

ANGELO: Really? Now I understand why Bors let him in.


They were.... still fighting?

VELES: How?! Coyote already left! Your powers should've been deactivated. How are you still that strong?!

LANCE: Now that your illusions stopped, will you stop running and take the hit?

KAY: Uh? Guys! Where is Carbon?!

LILLY: I am sorry! I couldn't...

KAY: I see. So they where after Carbon.... Damn!

VELES: You were so concentrated on me that the plan worked just-.



LANCE: Finally!

ANGELO: And also...

KAY: Oh god. Shion!

LANCE: Go with him. I will take care of this guy myself.

KAY: Okay Lance. Be careful, the nullifier should wore out soon.


LILLY: He saved me.... again.

KAY: Don't overthink about this right now. How close where you to Carbon when she used her nullifier?

LILLY: Her nullifier? You mean the "silence"?

KAY: Yes. Just that.

LILLY: We were a few meters away from her.

KAY: I see. I might be able to use my power now...


LILLY: My flowers...

Is she using Lilly's power to heal me?

ANGELO: You'll be fine don't worry Shion.

I'm starting to feel better...

LILLY: How did you... use my power?

KAY: I used my power to copy yours, as simple as that.

LILLY: I didn't know blessings like this existed...

KAY: Well honey, now you know.

- The wound is closed. Kay, thank you so much.

KAY: Perfect. Now Lilly, go with Lance. In a few minutes your power will come back and I'll need you to heal that impostor called Veles. We still need to get information from him.

LILLY: Alright.

- Don't worry Lilly, I am fine now.

LILLY: I am sorry (leaves).

- Lilly I...

KAY: Now Shion, explained me what happened.

So I did. She looked surprised that Coyote decided to attack, but she already knew what her plan was going to be if she did. The fact that bothered her the most, was that she knew about Lilly's power.

So that means that somebody already told her about it.

ANGELO: So is Carbon going to be alright?

KAY: Yes, nothing can really hurt her at all.

- What is exactly Carbon? Coyote called her Adamant all the time.

ANGELO: Adamant?

KAY: Carbon is not human.

- Not human?

ANGELO: I knew something was off with her appearance not changing in all these years.

KAY: She is an artificial human, born with multiple mutations until abilites came out of her. Powers that she possess revolve around creation and destruction, being one of them the nullification of blessings themselves.

Is that even possible?

ANGELO: Did science reach that level?

KAY: She was the first of her kind, programmed to be the strongest and with only one weakness: her own free will. She was design to obey orders with a series of codes. After we destroyed all investigation facilities and data research, we decided not to use their commands of the project called A.D.A.M.A.N.T., Carbon's scientific name.

- So. If she has control over her now. What else can we do? Isn't it over?

ANGELO: No Shion, you should never surrender. We will find a way to bring all things back to where they should be... But, for now, I just can't think of any.

- And did anyone else notice all this mess?

KAY: Probably not. They were still taking a bath at the other side of The Palace when all of this happened.

Yeah, the baths are very separate from here.

KAY: For now let's just calm down, then we will explain the situation to everybody, and after that, we'll fix that hole in the ceiling.

So is that all?

How are we supposed to defeat what it could be called, the ultimate weapon?

And Kay's power allows him to copy other's abilities, that is not as destructive as I thought.

I am starting to feel depressed. I completely lost 3 times in a row today, let coyote scape with Carbon under her control and I almost took a fatal wound.

We definitely can't win at all.

ANGELO: Master!

KAY: Yes, Angelo?

ANGELO: It's just my opinion but I think you should tell Shion the truth.

KAY: Really?

ANGELO: I got the feeling that we can entrust him with more relevant information.

KAY: Okay then, If your guts tell you then you must be right.

The truth, what truth?

KAY: First of all, my power does not copy others. And second of all, Carbon is on our side.

- What?

ANGELO: That's it Master? I thought you would give him more information about your power.

KAY: It's enough. Shion listen to me. The Twelve's powers can shatter entire nations remember that. My power does way more thinks that you could ever imagine.

As expected, she won't tell me what her power does.

KAY: And the most important thing right now is that Carbon is not fully being controlled by Coyote.

- Not fully?

KAY: Haven't you realized where did she aimed? All your organs where intact.

She is right. It is so precise that can't be a coincidence.

KAY: When she was forced to shoot Lilly, she never aimed on killing her. She even went as far as to shoot close to the heart to make Coyote not suspect her. She has to obey orders, but she can mildly control what she does.

- Really?

KAY: And also, Lilly. It seems that Carbon has an extreme appreciation for her, and that might be the key to fool Coyote of having a power that she'd never had in the first place.

Wow! There's still hope.

KAY: So. Shion, this will be as a training practice.

- How can this be considered "a training practice"?

KAY: Simple. We just started defending. Now it's time to attack.