
ENK: Mirai Notes

The following events take place in an alternative Earth, approximately 70 years after the apparition of the physical alterations scientifically called UMA (Unknown Morphic Anomalies). Changing the human body and reshaping the concept of mankind. Humans with tails, horns, wings, claws, etc. were the consequences of the phenomenon called UMA. Although not being the same world; Cities, Nations and Continents remain the same with some minimal changes. Due to these peculiarities, some countries took measures that affected their overall structure and even their political affiliation. The number of people with physical mutations was bearable and inoffensive, people accepted them with ease. But 20 years later, dangerous new peculiarities started to appear. An extra-sensorial alteration that allowed humans, either with or without UMA, to have abilities such as: pyrokinesis, telekinesis or cryokinesis... between other elemental awarenesses. Their average control, power and stamina were minimal compared to an average police brigade, but one individual was worth a hundred in a battlefield with the right equipment. Many countries around the world set their eyes towards them, either trying to obtain or make use of their power. These cases of extra-sensorial abilities remained unknown to the public eye. Their numbers were a few thousands and didn't caused much of a threat, but since they were used by various states in military maneuvers, short time passed until their existence became a reality to the rest of the world. Public opinion was rough towards them compared to the average UMA. Xenophobic groups were impactful in some Nations. Terms such as 'morph' became depictions of the UMA definition, but extra-sensorial ability users never received a name, their powers became being called peculiarities after a pro movement of their rights in 1968. Currently 2% of the world has UMA and approximately a 0.0005% have mild special abilities. But for 20 years a new class of power was kept a secret amongst human civilization. The people in possession of these new attained powers became the main focus for the ones that knew about their existence. In consequence, governmental oppression against the average 'quirks' users became almost non-existent and a new name appeared for them, 'gifted'. The name these new individuals received was non other than 'blessed'. They couldn't be compared to humans, 'blessed' abilities far exceeded the average of a small control over elements. It is said that an individual with such type of 'quirk' could shake entire nations at its maximum control. Unfortunately, due to its immense power, they result in self-harm against their own wielders and other people, consequentially being discovered and enclosed for further experimentation on their limits and origin.  This sets up the story in the year 200X: Real historic events have no relation to the current story timeline, the only similarities revolve around the existence of two Great World Wars, but not on how they happened. Fifteen years ago, the first official organization based around the perfection and mastery of those quirks was created. With the use of swordsmanship as a tool of meditation and self-defense, the users were able to differ themselves from their own destructive "blessing" and learn a much deeper understanding about them. This organization is called Entaku no KISHI (円卓の騎士), meaning, The Knights of the Round Table. Their members perform missions around the world with their main goal of rescuing and protecting enslaved 'blessed'. Once their job is done, they may grant people the opportunity to join them and become new members of the KISHI or help them return to the normal lives they once had.

Alekai · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
15 Chs


[main character: Lilly]

I woke up and got ready to start classes. There was nobody having breakfast at that time. Moments later, I realized that I woke up too early. With nobody around me, I decided to go the room where we were supposed to take classes and waited there.

I guess I was too excited to start...

I wonder what they would teach me here and who is Hadoc that Kay told me about.

???: Just wait here young man.

¿¿¿: But it's a bit early... can I go see...

???: You can revise these past lectures in peace. Come on!

¿¿¿: Yes sir!

Somebody is coming.

That voice...

- Shion?

SHION: Lilly?

- Hi, nice to meet you and thank-.

SHION: When did you wake up!?

- Uhm... Yesterday...

SHION: What? And nobody told me?! I was looking forward on meeting you since you arrived, but I was so busy preparing myself for the classes that I didn't notice. I'm sorry.

- No. Don't apologize. By the way Shion...

SHION: What Lilly?

Should I hug him? I mean... maybe he is not an approachable person. He saved me, brought me here AND cared about me these past three days... I guess it's fine.

- THANK YOU SO MUCH! (hug) You guys freed me from that nightmare and also gave me something to care for after that. I will be always thankful about all you guys have done for me.

SHION: I... I... I don't know what to say.

- Don't worry. Let's learn lots of things together okay?


- I also wanted to meet you. When I woke up, Kay showed me how powerful she was. Are you an Entaku as well Shion?

SHION: Of course not! That's the reason I am taking these classes in the first place; it's to become one myself.

- Wow.

SHION: Yes but... I have no idea on what this training will have different from the one I did before...

He already "trained" before?

- Are you able to cut though bullets as well?

SHION: What?

- Nothing! I was wondering what kind of training you did before.

SHION: Oh! Well, my sister is the one that trained me since I was 9. Together we discovered how our powers worked and learned on how to use them in combat.

- I see...

He has my age so... does that mean he's been training for FIVE years on how to use his power and also combat? He is hundreds of steps ahead of me.

SHION: My sister Yui already knows about you. But I would like you to meet her. Maybe she can give you some tips on how to use you power. But... I guess Kay will be our trainer so...

- I am really excited on staring these new classes here. I will give it my best!

SHION: Me too!

As we started talking, a strange looking creature entered the room and started talking.

-What the...?

???: Well lady, AND gentleman, it seems that this year you are the only ones.

SHION: Really Sir!?

- Sir!? Who is this... person?

His head is like... I can't describe it. What is going on?

SHION: He will be our teacher, his name is Hadoc.

- Seriously?

SHION: His power is called Chimera Head, and well, his appearance is a bit unsettling.

- Oh! Excuse me Hadoc! I didn't want to-.

HADOC: Don't worry young woman, It's a common reaction.

I got a bit confused but now it makes sense. He seems to have only his head with a really strange shape. Interesting... I'm surely going to pay attention if I have to listen to him.

HADOC: Well everybody, let me explain you the plan of study: First, I will be teaching you basic knowledge of the world in the morning. In the afternoon, you will train with Kay on how to use your powers. You can consider this as a beginner level. Once we complete all lessons of this first level zero, your schedule will swap and then you will go to the main class that the training is set in the morning instead of the afternoon and vice versa.

- So, is everybody training here right now?

HADOC: No. Although this might be the headquarters, we have different places where we travel to. Shion was living in one of our training fields with his sister.

- Oh...

HADOC: Since you two accepted to learn here and become great Kishi, it will be provided to you many information about the organization itself. Remember! This information should be kept secret from the rest of the world, even the slightest leak could affect the future of this place.

I think that was obvious. I wasn't planning on doing so from the beginning.

HADOC: And with that said, Let's begin!

- Yes!

SHION: Yes Sir!

And then, the routine started. We learned about society at first, but after a couple of days, mathematics and languages started. Shion was actually a few years behind me in terms of common knowledge. There really wasn't anything new for me to learn on that 'level zero' classes.

Every afternoon, Kay explained us many different types of abilities that people had but didn't said their names. She helped us on discovering the fundamental activation of our power. Shion already knew what to do, but I still had to work really hard to find it. In addition to that, Kay made us run, practice hand to hand combat and many other exercises in order for us to become physically stronger.

All the process was extremely tiring, as Shion did with no effort every exercise Kay demanded, I was unable to keep up with that level. Although I started to feel demotivated, I kept on going because; while I had my difficulties doing my training, Shion had it worse. He had been doing extra morning and evening classes every single day just to reach my academic level (that was of a second year highschooler).

Weeks passed... and certain day arrived.

(Weeks Later)

HADOC: Well everyone. There is no need to do classes today.

SHION: Are you sure Sir?

HADOC: Yes! And also training.

- Why?

HADOC: Because today is a special day. Have fun.

- What day is it?

SHION: Sir! There is no need to go through all of this just for me.


HADOC: Haven't you told Lilly?

SHION: No... I don't think it's important...

- What Shion? Spit it out already. What is it?

SHION: Well... today is the day I was born.

- Today is your BIRTHDAY!?

SHION: Yes. But I don't think it matters that much. Many people's birthdays happen every now and then... and also...

- Are you stupid?

SHION: Ugh? Why?

- Hadoc! There is no need for us to stay in class today, right?

HADOC: Indeed.

- Okay, bye!

SHION: Lilly wait!

- Don't you dare follow me! We will meet at night, after dinner, in the training field!

SHION: What?

- Just do as I say!

SHION: Okay okay! I will.

I need a present!

Now that I think about it, my birthday is next month. We truly have the same age.

What can I give him? Even though he is always so kind with me, he doesn't smile... He feels so immersed into everything he does, but still...

ARGH! I have no idea! I should ask for advice.

As I was walking down the main hall, I saw a man with an strange wrapped long object in his back looking around in content. He seemed mature, but young.

- Hello?

???: Oh! This surely has changed! I'm impressed.

- Excuse me... Are you a Kishi as well?

???: A Kishi? That means you don't know me... okay, fair enough. You look really young, I guess that's why.

Who is this guy?

???: So if you don't know who I am that makes it easier for me. And yes, I am indeed part of this organization.

Okay so he is a Kishi. I guess that wrapped up in clothing thing is a sword.

Maybe he knows something about...

- Do you know who Shion is?

???: Yes of course! That little boy who Yui picked up a while ago.

Picked up?

???: Today is his birthday. He'll be 15, right?. That's a great age!

Does he know about Shion's birthday as well?

- I was thinking about the best present I could give to him. Do you have any idea on what he likes?

???: Uhm... Shion is not the materialistic type, neither is Yui.

- What can I do then?

???: Let me see.

He is getting closer to me... what is he...?

He is so close!

Once he was close enough, he patted my head and looked at me with a warm smile. Then stepped back and gave me the answer.

???: You are the only one who can fulfill Shion's wish.

- What wish?!

???: Hehehe... Should I tell you straight away? It's not interesting if I give you the answer straightaway.

Is he toying with me?

- Don't treat me like a child! I truly have no idea on what he likes. He speaks of what he endured and the learning he is doing, but never speaks about what he wants. Even though we spoke a lot I feel like I don't know him. Why?

???: I see you are both still alone.

- Alone?

???: Shion is way simpler than you think. He won't act a certain way with people if their conditions haven't been officially set, just like his sister.

Conditions? What is he... WAIT! Is he talking about...?

- Are you saying that he does not see me as a friend?

???: Oh! You are smarter than you look.

(angry face intensifies)

???: Sorry. Sorry. I'm surprised on how receptive you were.

- But we spent so much time together. Why he still thinks this way?

???: Do you think he doesn't want YOU as his friend?

- Do I really have too...

???: Yes. (smiles)

I am going right now to see him! That idiot. Seriously...

- Thank you so much. What's your name?

???: Your welcome. You can call me...

YUI: (yawns) Hello Lilly, what are you doing here?

- I should ask the same, how it is that you are awake?

YUI: I had to go to the... (yawns again) bathroom.

- I see, anyways do you know who...


- He is gone!

What's wrong with people and disappearing in this place?

- There was a guy here seconds ago! But he is not there anymore.

YUI: Ugh? (yawns) Maybe is just Gekiyaku doing her weird stuff again... well, goodnight, or good-morning, I don't care... bye, bye.

Her personality really does change during the day, when Shion presented her to me she was so intimidating and fearsome.

- Bye...

How strange. Why did he disappear? I couldn't get his name. Maybe we will meet again some other day.

For now. I need go to see Shion immediately. I swear I am going to punching him in the face.

As I started running, I reconsidered the option of punching him, I ended up discarding it.

Now that I think about it, I can run faster, and I am not tiring myself as much as before. I can see that the training is starting to take its effects.


I heard quick steps towards me.

Someone is coming... and Fast!

SHION: Lilly!!!



- Auch! Why were you going so fast? Argh! My head...

SHION: Are you hurt Lilly? I am so sorry. I thought you were in trouble and so I rushed as fast as I could...

- Why...


- Why are you acting like this?

SHION: What do mean?

- You act like if we didn't know each other as much as we do.

SHION: ...

- And I already have your birthday present. Sorry, I couldn't wait.

SHION: My present?

- I, Lilly García! Will be officially your friend! Are you okay with that!?


- You are just an idiot sometimes... You can run for hours without tiring yourself, able to jump over twenty meters high, activate your power at will, but then...

SHION: I didn't want to mess it up.

- Mess it up? How?

SHION: I already tried becoming friends with the people in here, but it seems that my enthusiastic and naive intentions made me fail every time. Even I lost consciousness once!

Oh, okay...

- But still. Even if you didn't want to directly become my friend, I thought it was clear from the beginning when I hugged you.

SHION: No one ever hugged me like that before. I didn't know what it meant. But I understand now.


SHION: Thank you so much.

- (smile)

After that, we became real friends. He started to open up as a person to me. That same day, Shion brought me to the river near the garden. We spoke for hours about our past lives and I remembered how I used to live back home, well, my past home. For the rest of the day, I asked him to teach me some of his combat moves.

(More Weeks Later)

Time passed until my birthday arrived. The same situation happened, there were no classes that day, but instead:

HADOC: Lilly.

- Yes Sir?

HADOC: Go see Kay, she wanted to talk with you.

SHION: Don't worry, I am sure it's good news. And, again, Congratulations.

- You don't need to be saying that all day.

SHION: I just want to make sure that today is a special day... (smiles)

- Pff! Hahaha, you are so dumb sometimes, you now that?

SHION: Hahaha... come on, go see Kay already.

- Okay, Bye Hadoc!

HADOC: Bye young woman.

I wonder what Kay has to say today, she might be training everyone outside or...

KAY: Hey Lilly! Congratulations!

- Thank you so much!

KAY: Did Shion tell you something?

- No. Except for the fact that he repeated "congratulations" at the end of each sentence since we saw each other.

KAY: Perfect then, follow me.

- Yes but, why are there no classes for the other group as well?

KAY: Another group? (smiles)


KAY: Honey, today is not only your birthday. Just come with me.

What is she up to?


KAY: Okay then, Carbon!


- Hello Carbon. It's been a while.

CARBON: Surprise. Present.

KAY: Well Lilly, I should congratulate you twice because, apart from being your birthday today, you are also qualified to train with everybody else! You did it. Congratulations!

- Really?! But I didn't even learn on how to properly use my power yet.

KAY: That was not the main goal Lilly. We tried to teach that no matter who you are, or the powers you might have, you still need to learn and be conscious about the world that surround us. Also, your physique and skill have significantly improved. I think you've learned a lot this passed two months, right?

- Yes... But what about Shion?

KAY: I have to tell you a little secret, he was actually ready time before you. But! He decided to stay with you and help you until you passed.

Did he really...?

KAY: But most importantly, we need to get you a sword! And that's were Carbon comes in.

CARBON: Yes. Here. Congratu... tu... lations.

She has a bare blade in her hands...

KAY: This will be the blade of your future sword. And here is the holster and handle that Shion made with the help of Carbon. They've been working for days so I hope you like it.

- I... Thank you very much!

KAY: I am looking forward to introducing the rest of the group. Now you will meet lots of people that are using Single-Style in the Kishi. Beware that some of them are way stronger than you two right now.

- I want to meet them as well!

KAY: Excellent. Now you can go see Shion and thank him properly. But after you leave, take something into account.

- What Kay?

KAY: Up until now, I've been going easy on you two. Anything you will face up until this point is the real challenge. You will be official Kishi members and become stronger in limits that you both couldn't imagine. The training will be much harder, and higher language and physics lesson will be imparted. Once you become either smart or skilled enough, your first rescue missions will begin. This will be a really tough process but, at the end, you might be able to face the ones that were behind your capture all by yourself. Will you be able to live up to my expectations Lilly?
