

Get ready for an epic battle for the land of ENIX! Darkness has taken hold, with The Dark Goddess Lilith, Her Undivine army and monstrous minions now ruling over major parts of the land. But hope shines bright as the starry-eyed one and the one of the moon rise to reclaim ENIX. Joined by their courageous friends, they'll face unimaginable challenges, explore new cities, and even discover love along the way. Brace yourself for The Weary Traveler's ENIX. Set sail for thrilling adventures that will leave you on the edge of your seat for a journey of a lifetime!

The_Weary_Traveler · Fantasy
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2 Chs

The Call

Ten o'clock is curfew at New Haven, A high class city in

ENIX protected by the finest Guardians, The Alchemy could provide. Their jobs

are to keep the residents inside the thick marble walls and iron gates, follow

the king's orders, protect the law and order, keep all threats out, and capture

or destroy anything that caused a threat to them, but that never stopped me.

Every night after roll call, I hop out of bed quietly, get dressed in a black

hoodie and matching leggings, grab my gear, and sneak out of the old orphanage

home. I tip toe through the gardens being on high alert that I don't draw

attention to myself. I made my way to a medium sized hole in the marble wall,

it was a secret kept from the last time we had a major attack on New Haven

which caused a gaping hole in the south part of the wall that I kept perfectly


War had risen from when the Dark Goddesses led by their

frightful commander Lilith took over, it's been years since, and to be honest I

don't remember the time before when they weren't here, I just remember the

stories of peace that once was. That's of course before the Dark Goddesses took

over. There was Persephone, Medusa, Hecate, Nyx, Kali Ma, and The Morrigan each

ruling over a different part of ENIX. 

Where peace once used to live is now chaos and darkness.

Some regions managed to hold their ground with magic, weapons, spells, and

prayers but that wasn't the case for majority of the country. 

Many had fallen to the corruption of the Dark Goddesses.

Even some mystical creatures took their sides, Medusa convinced The Sirens to

join her Army, now they wait at the edge of riverbanks to lure innocent

passersby to a very unpleasant watery grave. The Morrigan had the Changelings

and werewolves, humans one second ferocious creatures the next. Hecate summoned

snake demons, humanoid lizard men with a bad attitude problem and their pets

the Dire Wolves- six-foot-tall wolves with four-inch razor sharp teeth. Nyx had

blood thirsty creatures of the night, vampires, who prey upon weary travelers.

Kali Ma hypnotized a lava dragon with the help of some extraterrestrial

banshees that came from the deep abyssal void.  Persephone had her

Cerberus- the triple headed demon dog that protected her closely as well as her

army of the post-apocalyptic undead. Then there was Lilith, with her twenties

of hundreds of demons that were her children. 

They used to not be out as bad but here lately you'll see

a hoard of these terrible creatures getting a little too close to the gates

more often here, but The Guardians usually take care of them. The last attack

created this large hole 

I stepped through the wall that was hidden by tall thick

bushes and covered back up the secret exit, spreading back out the branches.

Placing my backpack on my back, I stealthily moved in the darkness as fast as

my legs would carry me making my way to the entrance of the forest and slipping

away into the night, not daring to look back. 

Jumping over a few tree stumps and ducking under low

branches I ran, and I ran hard. The path was illuminated by thousands of

fireflies blinking all around me, I slid around a curve in the undergrowth my

all-black sneakers catching my balance in the fallen leaves, I went ahead to

the handmade bridge a halfway mark to my destination. 

Taking a step forward towards the edge of land I glanced

down to where it dropped off into the rushing waters below. The bridge that had

separated me from the other side had to be the most rigid thing I have ever

seen, it was already missing a few boards and the ropes were worn down from

years of use, but I had a schedule to keep, and this was the fastest way

across. Gripping the frayed ripped ropes gently, I pushed on slowly, taking

each step with caution. The waters below roared viciously, an unusual high tide

had taken place tonight and it had caused more swaying on the bridge than I was

comfortable with, I pushed on. As soon as I got to the middle, I heard a loud

CRACK in the distance. 

Down the river a low hanging tree had snapped in half

from the power of the water hitting up against it and was now being hauled down

to where I stand. My knees buckled and for a split moment I tensed up and froze

in place with disbelief, snapping back to I went to move my right leg when my

foot slipped from up under me causing me to break through a few of the water

rotted pieces of plank that was my only way to the other side. the ropes

twisted and I knew I only have seconds before it couldn't take the pressure

anymore and completely give in. I threw my bag as far across as I could and

pulled myself back up ,the water kept splashing up sharply on me soaking me wet

as I hung on for dear life and tried to make it across the rigidity bridge

nearly making it to the end before the half of the broken tree collided with

the bridge.

 Flipping upwards and smashing back down, there went

the rest of the bridge, snapping where the collision had taken place and

destroying what remained of the connection. Both sides of the bridge split and

was now crashing down into the rushing waves under me and taking me along with

it. I clung to the ropes as it fell and managed to just barely extend my right

arm to contact the other side ground where my backpack was. With all my might I

pulled myself up over the riverbed, belly crawling until I knew for certain I

was in safety before rolling over in complete wipeout. That exhale I let out

was definitely earned. 

" Ahhhhh!! What the actual FUUUCK!?!" I yelled

sitting up now and gasping for air.

How unlucky do you have to be for something like THAT to

happen to you! Goodness, I took a moment the thank the Gods for my safety

before returning to reality. How am I supposed to get home now? I thought.

"Oh well, I guess I can worry about that

later," I huffed, then got up and brushed myself off before putting my bag

back on and continuing on my way. I was completely drenched from the recent

string of unfortunate events that had just unfolded before me. I tried to wring

out my clothes as best as I could, but it was no use. I was soaked, and as the

night went on, it only got colder. So, this was a problem I would have to

address sooner rather than later to avoid making this night even worse. It

wasn't too terribly cold, but there was a strong breeze. The weather tonight

was out of the ordinary, but I quickly pushed that thought aside.

A few miles down the overgrown path, I stumbled upon the

ancient treehouse. Its age was unknown, but it had been here for as long as I

started coming here. I closed my eyes for a moment and took in the sweet aroma

of nearby hyacinths and valley flowers.

I breathed in the scent of the untamed grass and

wildflowers, letting memories wash over me.

"Ahh! Nothing smells better." I exhaled with a

big smile. THIS is what home was supposed to feel like. 

 As the wind tousled my light blue hair, a chill ran

down my spine, reminding me of the task at hand. Gathering some dry sticks, I

kindled a small fire at base foot of the old tree house. Shedding my outer

layers, I left myself in my black boy shorts and matching sports bra, laying my

damp clothes out to dry on a nearby rock. I sat there for a while, basking in

the warmth and gazing up at the twinkling stars above. Reaching into my trusty

book bag, I retrieved a blunt and a lighter, Thank the stars that they had

survived the chaotic journey unharmed.

Brooke Lester home grows and sells the best quality of

flowers in all ENIX. They were known for their annual festivals and firework

shows, it's also where my plug exports it from. 

New Haven doesn't authorize the usage of plants with

hallucinogenic properties, which is why I sneak out each night after count. I love my home, I do, but I just never felt

like I truly belong there. I placed the blunt in my mouth and lit it, taking a

long drag and exhaled. I stared back up at the stars as the smoke danced

upwards. I was brought to New Haven when I was barely a three. I don't remember

my parents; though I think about them from time to time. New Haven became my

home that day forward, Head Lady took me in and was the kindest person I've

come to know. Like a sweet grandmother. I might not be a full-blooded New Haven

resident, but my heart was in it because of her. 

New Haven was a super strict city ruled by the church.

Underneath them The Guardians with their wings and blindfolds were like these

godlike soldiers, these super high-ranking soldiers had triple wings and wear

blindfolds over their eyes. They were godlike beautiful and strong. Relying on

hearing and vibrations to hunt down anyone they rule as "un-pure.".

They almost never missed their targets, but somehow, I managed to sneak past

them time after time. The urge to run away was always present, you know? To be

free, to finally be able to live let alone breathe on my own.

I'd think to myself. 

"Just go, they won't even know you're gone."

People never really noticed me anyways, and if they did it'd be met with

judgmental stares, like I wasn't ever good enough. I dealt with some serious

bullying, but I always fought back and stayed because of the love Head Lady

showed all of us orphans. Head Lady had raised us from little young kids, she

was always so kind and sweet to us all and if we ever had a problem, she'd help

us figure it out but that never stopped the thoughts. Maybe they'd be better

off without me, you know? Seems like I'm always getting into trouble somehow,

it just finds me, and I want to escape it all. 

A sudden crack of a twig overhead caught my attention,

causing my ear to twitch. Swiftly, I rose to my feet and scanned the trees for

any signs of movement. Could it just be the treehouse settling in the wind? I

approached the ladder leading up to the house, climbing cautiously while

keeping my senses sharp, each board creaking behind my weight. 

Reaching the entrance of the house, I silently pulled

myself up and began to explore, I picked up an ancient metal candlestick holder

I had found nearby just in case I needed to swing on someone or something.

After searching for some time, the only other person on that floor was me and

there was no sign of what caused the noise. 

The treehouse, with its spiraling staircase and vaulted

ceilings, stood like a masterpiece had once again fallen silent until I heard

soft notes being played. I looked over to the staircase, I heard the melodious

strumming of a guitar, playing the tune of "Hallelujah." Instead of

startling me, the music piqued my curiosity. I continued upward up the

staircase, inching closer to the source of the enchanting melody.

The room was dark upstairs but in the dim moonlight, I

spotted a muscular figure seating with a propped-up boot on the side railing of

the loft playing the guitar with precision. Mesmerized, I approached

cautiously, listening as the figure began to sing. His voice was ethereal,

drawing me in until I found myself singing along.

With the final note, he turned slowly towards me,

revealing hazel eyes under short black and blonde dreads that fell perfectly

around his face. His milk chocolate skin made me melt the way the moon light

hugged his features.

"My, my, I think we have a spy..." he remarked,

smirking slowly showing a fang in his perfect smile. He stepped closer with his

guitar in hand.

He hopped down from the rail, still holding his candy

apple red guitar, and took a step closer to me, his black boots hitting against

the floorboards. I suddenly became aware of my current state of lack of

clothes, and my face flushed red as he approached.

He smirked and asked, "What's your name,

songbird?" With his index finger he brought my chin up to meet his gaze,

he towered over me he was so tall, as I tried desperately to hide my body with

my arms. 

I swallowed hard, feeling a mix of nervousness and

excitement. "Um..." I stammered, trying to find my voice.

"Don't go all shy on me now," he said, reaching

down to brush my curly blue hair off my shoulder. His warm hand gently touched

my bare skin. He used his sharp thumb nail to trace along the side of my neck.

I couldn't help but tense up, closing my eyes tightly.

As he pulled his hand away and turned away from me, I

could feel the spell he had cast on me breaking. I shifted nervously and

cleared my throat.

"I'm Melody," I finally managed to say.

He glanced back at me over his shoulder, a smile playing

on his lips.

"Perfect name for a little songbird like you. With

vocals like yours, I wouldn't expect anything less," he remarked, leaning

against the railing where I first saw him.

I relaxed a bit and took a step closer, my curiosity

going wild, wanting to know who this stunning creature was.

 "And what about you?" I asked, eager to

find out his name. 

He looked at me with a raised brow and serious

expression. "Hm?" He muttered a bit confused. 

I repeated my question, "And your name?"

He rubbed the back of his head. "You can call me


I couldn't help but wonder, Crow? What kind of name is

that? It seemed like he could read my thoughts because he nodded and explained.

"I'm a changeling, and I chose the crow as my animal

form. I didn't have a birth name, so I adopted this one from my


I blurted out, amazed. "You're a


He nodded in response then changed the subject. "I

didn't know this spot was already taken before I landed here to


I quickly clarified. "Oh no, I don't live here. I

just come here at night for a few hours to unwind is all." 

He raised an eyebrow and tilted his head slightly, making

me wonder what he was suspicious about.

"Songbird, where exactly are you from?" He

started to question before a sudden gust of wind blew, and I started to shiver.

He noticed and said, "More importantly, where are your clothes? You're

going to get sick dressed like that. Here, take my


He nonchalantly removed his black leather jacket,

exposing his bare muscles arms. The loose black shirt he wore underneath flowed

gently around his frame in the wind, the moon beams highlighted every perfectly

crafted muscle on his torso. He was built like a God.

He tossed it over to me with a confident flick of his

wrist. The jacket landed in my arms, I couldn't help but notice its absolute

weight and size of it. feeling almost engulfed by it as I slipped it on. It was a rugged, weathered piece, the deep

black leather worn and aged with stories of its own. The scent of adventure and

mystery clung to it, as if it had traveled through countless realms and seen

extraordinary events. I silently took a deep breath in to capture the scent.

As I fastened the belt of the jacket, I finally took a

moment to truly see Crow. His presence was captivating, his aura shrouded in an

air of enigma. From head to toe, he was geared up head to toe in all black,

each piece carefully chosen to reflect his dark and mysterious persona. His

combat boots, sturdy and well-worn, spoke of countless journeys taken across

treacherous terrains. The straight-legged jet-black jeans hugged his frame,

tailored to perfection, their deep black hue accentuating his powerful stride.

The fabric whispered secrets of forgotten lands and hidden realms.

His t-shirt, a simple yet striking garment, completed the

ensemble. Its jet-black color emphasized the intensity in his gaze, drawing me

in like a moth to a flame. The fabric clung loosely to his sculpted physique,

hinting at the strength and resilience that lay beneath his mysterious

exterior. It was as if the shirt itself was an extension of his persona, a

cloak of shadows that concealed both his past and his future.

In that moment, as I stood there, mesmerized by his

presence, I couldn't help but feel that his wardrobe reflected his very

essence. Dark and mysterious, just like the night sky, Crow was a figure who

walked the line between light and darkness, embodying the enigmatic allure of

the unknown.

 Crow flashed a wicked grin, showing off his fangs.

"You look good in my jacket, songbird," his deep voice bellowed over

every inch of my body and that smirk was like pure intoxication. I could stare

at him forever. I blushed like crazy at his words, my face as red hot as fire.

Who was this guy and why was he so relaxed with me?

"The bridge on the way here collapsed and well it's

been kind of a rough start to my night." I laughed nervously. 

"I laid my clothes up to dry by the fire…oh shit!

THE FIRE!" I remembered the flame I left unattended; I bolted quickly back

down the staircase to the unmanned fire I had created. The gust of wind made it

spread, and with nothing to help keep it at bay I was a sitting duck as it now

had the power to destroy my hideaway. I tried putting it out. I dug and dumped

dirt on it, but to be honest it wasn't doing much.

The sound of massive wings flapped right above my head,

startling me. Crow, out of nowhere, sprouted wings and with one powerful swing,

he completely extinguished the fire. It was like a scene straight out of an

action movie! I shielded my eyes from the gust of wind to protect again flying


He landed right in front of me.

"Hey, songbird, you got to be careful. Can't have

anything happening to that beautiful face of yours." He showed me another

delicious grin. 

I let out a huge sigh of relief and fell back on the

ground, laughing my heart out. Crow flinched and rushed to me concerned. 

"Hey, you alright there?" He asked me. 

"Man! What a crazy night it's been! Crow, you're a

true hero. Thanks for helping me out back there!" I sat up. 

"If you'd like I can show you how to build a

self-substantial fire." He spoke. I was still in disbelief and couldn't

believe how close we came to disaster.

 I nodded not wanting to pass up this opportunity.

Crow patiently showed me how to build a fail-safe fire and returned my now

dried clothes to me. I went back up to the tree house and placed back on my

black Hoodie and leggings. I climbed back down and returned to Crow who was

sitting back the campfire poking at with a stick. I came and sat right beside


As we spent the next few hours together, we really got to

know each other better. Turns out we had a-lot in common, we both listened to

any kind of music with a good beat It turns out, Crow and his kind are often

haunted. Who would do something so heartless?

I couldn't help but feel for him. I mean, he's such a

sweet guy. Who would want to go out of their way to harm people like him? So,

naturally, I asked him who exactly is after them. He said these hunters have

three sets of pure white wings and wear blindfolds. But that sounds like the

Guardians back home in New Haven. But why would they want to hunt them down?

It's a mystery that really got me thinking.

We were standing so close, and with the night getting

colder, his warmth felt amazing. The flickering firelight played across his

face, highlighting his features. I couldn't help but notice a scar that ran

across his cheek, just below his eye. Caught staring, he glanced at me with a

curious sidelong glance.

"Hm?" He turned towards me, his gaze


"You've got the stars in your eyes," he said,

gently placing his hand on my face.

I felt my heart race as he leaned in closer, his breath

mingling with mine. His scent of lavender, spice, sandalwood, and a hint of

smoke enveloped us. It was intoxicating.

"Flickers of gold in your deep blue eyes. I can

almost see shooting stars in them, their memorizing. " He pulled away, as

he did, he looked at me with a mix of curiosity and realization.

"Interesting." he murmured.

Confused, I couldn't help but ask, "What do you


His expression turned serious as he replied, "You

are the one we've been searching for. Have you ever heard of the prophecy of


I shook my head, admitting, "No, all I know is that

the Dark Goddesses descended, and chaos ensued. My town keeps us in the dark,

only the king and his court know the outside world."

Crow frowned slightly, then pulled out a joint from his

T-shirt pocket and lit it, taking a long drag and exhaling, creating a cloud of


"I assume you partake?" I grinned big and he

passed it to me, as I inhaled, a strong cough overcame me. It wasn't like any

regular Brook Lester flower. Brook Lester was New Haven's neighboring city that

was home of imagination and annual festivals, so party favors were always

easily found. 

Gasping for breath, I managed to ask, "What is


With a wink and a smirk, Crow replied, "The best

hallucinogenic flower you'll ever smoke." blowing a smoke ring around my

face with his dreamy lips. I felt the air heat up around me again as I

continued to cough. The world around me lit up in pulsing color. 

"The prophecy goes like this,

Two souls, bound by celestial light,

Blue and white eyes shining so bright.

Together they'll rise, their courage untold,

One being of silver the other of gold.

Through trials they'll go, darkness they'll defy,

With hearts ablaze, they'll reach the sky.

In unity they'll stand, and with their powers combined,

They vanquish the dark goddess's evil, their victory


Embrace the journey, for it is their fate,

Of stars and of the moon, heroes so great."

It was like I saw the whole prophecy illustrated right

in-front of me in the smoke from the high I was surfing through. 

"Woooow! 🤩 yeah no, that's not me." I

sat back. 

"The dark goddesses won't stop until they have you,

songbird. Deny it all you want you are the starry eyed one, the one of stars.

Your powers could help turn ENIX back into what it once was!" His eyes

glowed with excitement. 

Each Goddess has taking on and dominated a different

major city. Some towns have survived only through their own defenses. The

witches have their coven's power, New Haven with their guardians and force

field and so on. But to simply believe I, Me, Melody alongside someone of the

moon could take out these celestial beings was cute. 

"So, you're saying I, Melody, am who these monstrous

beings are after?!" I was totally NOT expecting this explanation at all.

No way this was true. 

"They who are born with the stars in your eyes are

said to hold ancient powers that can counter act these cruses The Undivine has

placed on the people of ENIX. Your voice alone could command armies. The Dark

Goddesses are here to recruit you into their army to do their bedding. They've

set up bases in major cities while their cursed warriors are searching for the

starry eyed one. YOU, Songbird you could restore balance to all of ENIX,

everything can finally go back to normal." 

His amber colored eyes sparkled as they stared deeply

into mines with the slightest sign of hope.






chapter one has be restored. chapter 2 is being worked on currently. thank you for your patience! keep checking back for updates!

The_Weary_Travelercreators' thoughts