
Ch5: The Weary Traveler

POV: Crow

Ever since the day I met her, she's been stuck in my head. Every night since I find myself at the old tree house, hoping to catch a glimpse of her, my song bird. But she never shows up. It's like there's something about her that drives me insane, I can't stop thinking about her, and it frustrates me even more that I can't figure out why I'm so desperate to see her again.

I just needed to know she's okay, but getting too close to New Haven's gates would be a death sentence for my kind. The Guardians and Shifters have always had a rocky relationship. The Guardians only care about their own kind and the alliances they're a part of.

To pass the time and quiet my thoughts, I strum a few chords on my guitar. I wondered what she was up to at that moment. When will I have the chance to see her again? I shake my head, trying to clear my mind, and continue playing. But her voice lingers in the melody, like angels singing from above. And don't even get me started on her scent. It's like a mix of freshly bloomed roses, jasmine, and something indescribable. She's truly intoxicating.

I heard the flapping of wings beside me, and I knew exactly who it was without even looking. It was a Raven, or should I say, it WAS Raven. The little bird transformed into a girl, the same age as me, just turned nineteen. She had long black braids that fell down her body in all directions, with gold beads scattered throughout. Her dark skin had this silky dark blue glow, and her eyes were as light blue as the sky's clouds. Raven was my twin sister and one of the few remaining shifters in ENIX, all thanks to those pesky Guardians. She was skilled with her weapons and had a knack for never keeping her mouth shut, which, I gotta admit, drove me absolutely insane with her smart remarks. But hey, she's family…right?

"Do you still think she'll show up? It's been a few days," she asked, leaning over the railing and gripping it with her long black nails. She balanced herself on her tiptoes, rocking back and forth, wearing her all-black platform boots. Her outfit matched mine, but with a feminine touch and pitch black feathers on her shoulder gear. We both rocked the all-black look, and it suited us…for the most part.

I fluffed the collar of my leather jacket, feeling annoyed. "I'm not entirely sure. There's a chance she probably won't show up. We just have to give it some time and see." I replied, trying to keep my emotions in check. Dealing with my anger issues was a full-time job, and being around Raven meant working overtime.

"But you're hoping she does, right?" Raven was making fun at me, grinning.

I gave her a side-eye. "If she doesn't show up, we'll deal with it when the time comes." I took a deep breath, trying to regain my composure. I didn't want to think that I might never see her again. What if I scared her off? I frowned to myself, lost in my thoughts. Raven caught sense of my worry.

She rolled her eyes, stepping down and leaned on the railing, propping up her foot behind her on the wood bar, and crossed her arms. With a teasing tone, she said, "You're not supposed to fall in love, baby bro. You know the rules."

I closed my eyes, my brows furrowed in determination. "We all have our duties here. Just let me handle mine."

She smirked, leaning in closer. "If you say so, but you know Mom will be expecting her at the palace soon." she taunted, hinting at the consequences.

I could feel my anger rising, my eyes turning red with fury. I took a deep breath, trying to calm myself down before I said something I'd regret . I had to always stay grounded around her, Raven knew exactly how to push my buttons, and it felt like a personal game she played.

"She is NOT my mother," I replied, glaring at her and baring my teeth. She knew better than to call that woman my mother. She was no mother, just the devil herself. The Morrigan, as people called her, with all her twisted power. Just another minion for Lilith, as they all were in my eyes, forever doing her bedding. To be honest, they all made me sick, with their destructive ways. Their mission was to destroy any beauty in the world, and they would stop at nothing to achieve it. Even death didn't deter them.

"She raised us, she's your damn mother! Can't you just do what she says and stop fucking complaining for once?!" Raven huffed, arms still crossed. I stood tall, my wings expanding to their full length, towering over my twin sister.

"She never raised anyone, we were always on our own from day one. So don't feed me that nonsense, because it's not true. What really pisses me off is that you can't see it. They've corrupted your mind so much, you're blind!" I stood my ground.

Raven's wings flared out at her side with what I had said. "You're so damn arrogant! I can't believe you think of her that way! You really are some work, you know. You better get her to Mother before the sabbath or there will be hell to pay. She trusted you with this task to help redeem yourself. Don't fuck this up!" She took flight and headed back home to the woods of Boobear where The Morrigan's castle stands protected by what was left of us shifters.

I relaxed only when she left taking in a deep breath and exhaling into the sky. I reached in my pocket and pulled out a rolled cone of flower and lit it, taking a deep drag.

My mind instantly got transported to a calm state. The smoke drifted up and mixed with the night time air.

I was entrusted with the Dark Goddess's plans to capturing the two of the proficiency, after some time I had gaven up on finding them until that one night when she walked into my life. My Song bird. after spending time with her there was no way I could hand over someone so pure like that. Instead that night I decided I would protect her from The Undevine.

I stayed the night at the tree house that night. I didn't want to be bothered with Morrigan's army on if I had made any progress. Raven knew only because she has a sense for this kind of thing. Telepathy was her power and she used it to her advantage.

Raven came and found me the night after I met Melody, she was excited to find out what I had discovered and immediately told Morrigan. She told Raven that since I was the one to find her, I was the one that would her bring her in.

The decision was heavy since the last time I failed her I ended up with a scar under my eye. I took the quest with full intentions of bringing her in so the others would stay off my back with the constant ridicule and bullying….but that was until I met her.

I was there the night their parents died. They were on their way to bring them both to the safety that New Haven held with their Gaurdians. They had just entered Guardian territory by the time we got into possession, we had a very small window to shoot out their tires. I missed my mark causing a big commotion, The Guardians heard the wracked and came to the rescue killing six of our best people. We in returned killed seven of theirs. Unfortunately their parents were two of the seven that were killed.

I ran and hide deep near The Nicks, the river that ran from New Haven. I was five at the time…but I was the best shooter in my whole town. We would have gotten her that night if it wasn't for me missing. I alway hit my targets, I'm not sure why that night even at the age of five why I missed…but after meeting the person I had spared that night last week....I'm glad I did.

My little song bird was like a light that shines upon my darkened path, a new feeling of joy filling my heart with warmth and hope of a better future and I am forever grateful for the magic she brings. She is the harmony that brings peace to my restless heart. With her by my side, I am ready to face any challenge that comes at us.

I drifted asleep leaned up against an old couch in the middle of the room.

The sun was starting to peak over the horizon and I decided to make my way back home. I was about half way there when I heard a whisper in the wind of my name being called to me, I took off in the direction of the whisper, hoping…praying if it was her…she was alright.

I flew as fast as I could to the sound and upon arrival the scene I witnessed wasn't nothing new to me but the fact that I saw a blue curly hair girl fighting for her life against what from the skies seemed like one of those damn snake demons.

I swooped down in front of my song bird, shielding her from the demon that now had his attention on me.

"Stay back, Song Bird," I said, looking over my shoulder to her, taking a quick peek back to her to see how badly I would have to torture him if he had hurt her. "I'll take care of this one." I smiled at her, I angled my wings for precision and darted straight for his midsection and making him air borne I took him well over the tree tops miles away from where the girls were so they didn't see what I was about to do to this creature. I dropped him briefly before catching his scaly ankle. I left him dangling in my right hand and watched as he wiggled around.

"How dare youuu hssss, let me gooo at oncsssse!" The snake demon hissed clearly frightened.

"Who sent you. Why are you here?" I hovered in flight in the sky.

The snake demon still wiggling wildly and not awnsering me quick enough, I gave him a good punch to the stomach.

"Ouhiissss!!" He growned loudly in pain.

"SPEAK!!" I ordered him.

"Medussssa, ssshe wantsss the girl to take to Lilithssss." I frowned even more than I already was.

"Well then, looks like she's not getting her now is she? And it seems like your people have put your filthy hands on my song bird. How unfortunate." As I said this I heard him swallow.

I dropped him.

He came crashing down on the first tree top piercing his abdomen, before he could scream he burst into a cloud of steam.

My emotionless desensitization eyes watched the whole thing before returning back down to earth, back to her.

There she stood still clearly in shock from what had happened to them.

"You both ok?" I said as I walked slowly towards them both, tucking my wings back into my side before pushing my hair back out of my eyes, falling instantly back into place.

They both nodded. They both seemed so sad from what they had both had to witness.

I noticed how low the sun was getting.

"We should get going. It's gonna be dark real soon, and we need to be off these roads by then"

I took a moment to sympathize with them both before I walked over to Melody and took her hand in mines and pulled her close to me.

I placed a gentle hand on her neck where a red mark could be seen. I examined the area, good, nothing serious. I couldn't help but he caught up my her skin, she was so smooth and soft. I traced my thumb around the mark. If she allowed me and if I could kiss her pain away, I would.

"How did you find us?" She asked her voice shaking under my touch which snapped me out of the spell.

"You called for me, song bird. I came as swiftly as I could." I released my soft hold on her neck

"You have mild bruising, which will heal naturally in a few days. Little Ivy Wood specializes in advanced healing medicines that can help speed up the healing process. We need to get moving soon." I suggested, knowing monsters could be hiding around any corner. Definitely didn't need them getting into more trouble than they were already in.

The white haired one spoke. "Uhhhh…and WHO are you?"

"Oh, Casper! This is Crow." Melody introduced us both.

"OHHH! So THIS is the guy, huh? You're right! He IS cute!" Casper's face lit up like she had just been told a secret.

I raised an eyebrow before relaxing and smirked to myself. My song birds face had turned bright red and looked like she was about to killed her tiny white haired friend.

"The one of the moon." I took her hand and gently placed it on my forehead, a traditional greeting from my culture… "The pleasure is mine." I placed her hand back at her side and I faced Mel.

"I'll be escorting you two from now on, if that's okay with both of you," I said, locking eyes with my song bird.

"Yeah, alright. But don't get any funny ideas, mister! I trust Mel's judgment, but I'll still mess you up." Casper playfully warned, winking at Melody.

Melody rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Be nice, Casp."

They grabbed their bags and we headed on towards Little Ivy Wood. Once we got to the inn I suggested for them to get cleaned up and go out for dinner and explore the town a bit. I had some business to take care of so I left them be. The city was very protected by the high elves so I knew they would be safe to go off on their own while I tied up some errands.

As we went our separate ways, I bid farewell to the town of Little Ivywood and embarked on a my own journey to The Holy Flower Sanctuary. This magnificent sanctuary housed the largest library in ENIX, under the watchful eye of a wise Sphinx, however It was run by Danny and The Dandelions, a unique group of half-human, half-lion beings.

As I approached the sanctuary, I marveled at the towering giant flowers that formed a vibrant barrier at the entrance. It was a sight to behold!

Opening the door, I found myself in a vast space with five levels filled with books as far as the eye could see, different varietions of vibrate butterflies drifting through out the giant library's sun kissed atmosphere. At the center of the room, I spotted Danny and his wife, Darla, manning the front desk.

"Hey there, Danny! Hello, Darla! How are the kids?" I greeted them warmly as I walked up to their desks. Danny smiled and placed a hand on Darla's shoulder, replying, "They're around and doing well." Just then, from each level of the library, a different girl popped their heads over the rails. They had sunflowers in their hair and beamed with joy.

"Is Enigma in? I need to talk to him about something important," I said, Danny have me a nod and led me to a secret room behind a giant wooden door. The door creaked open, revealing a man who had golden wings and a crystal horn imbedded into his forehead, adorned with copper necklaces.

"Enigma the wise." I greeted

Enigma greeted me back with a smile, his cosmic eyes fixed on me.

"Ah, Crow, what brings you here today?" he asked.

"I've come for the orb of lightning," I replied, my voice determined.

Enigma nodded. "Indeed, I have it. But first, you must solve my riddle to obtain it," he said, his eyes darkening but I wasn't worried, I had grown up hearing them.

"I speak without a mouth and hear without ears. I have no body, but I come alive with wind. What am I? Take your time, it's a hard one." Enigma said with a grin thinking for sure I would not get it right.

Without hesitation, I answered confidently, "A tornado."

Enigma's eyes widened in surprise. " Impossible! You got it so quickly... I need to come up with harder riddles," he chuckled. He then conjured an electric blue orb that crackled with electricity. As I reached out to grab it, he pulled it back, cautioning me about its power.

"Be warned, the power of lightning is great. Use it with caution," he warned.

He placed the orb in my hand, and as I clenched my fist breaking the orb, volts of electricity surged through my body, from my fingertips to my wings, from my head to my toes. The charge was intense, but I allowed it to run its course until it settled.

"Your payment is to take down those goddesses and restore peace to the world." Enigma declared, his voice filled with determination as my eyes darkened at the sentence and lightening crossed my eyes.

I left The Holdy Flower Sanctuary, and traveled back to Little Ivy Wood. Howls being heard from the ground underneath me. I made it back before the girls did, and waited for their return from adventuring the city…

Melody had told me on our way to Little Ivy about The Collective and the first one. Tomorrow was a big day for we had no idea what the future held. I hoped that finding The Collective wouldn't be as hard as it sounded…but seems I can be wrong about things as well, We will have to see how things actually go.

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