
Enigma of Tsukirai Hatake

In the world of Naruto, Tsukirai is a man who finds himself in a realm unknown, transmigrated as the younger brother of the renowned ninja, Kakashi Hatake. With a unique name that signifies the moon's enduring presence, Tsukirai possesses qualities reminiscent of the night owl - quiet, steadfast, and deeply connected to the mysteries of the night. Unlike his brother, Tsukirai lacks innate talents or extraordinary abilities, but he brings with him a deep sense of purpose. With a gift for logical thinking, he hones his skills, becoming a master of hand-to-hand combat and specializing in wind elemental jutsu. Tsukirai blends these abilities seamlessly with the Hatake sword style, creating a unique fighting technique that reflects the graceful and powerful dance of the night owl. Tsukirai's journey unfolds as he seeks to establish his own legacy in the ninja world, not as a replacement for his brother, but as a warrior who brings his own strengths to the forefront. Along the way, he forms bonds with fellow ninja, proving that even without prodigious talents, one can make a lasting impact through unwavering dedication and determination.

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16 Chs

Minato's Guidance

Following a brief interlude during which the room buzzed with expressions of joy and camaraderie from those unaware of Iwagakure and Kirigakure's alliance with Kumogakure, the atmosphere lightened with embraces and hearty laughter.

However, the Hokage, perceptive as ever, reasserted his presence with a subtle yet commanding signal, urging the gathering to return to a state of rapt attention. All eyes fixed upon him, anticipatory and anxious, their curiosity piqued by the looming revelation.

In a measured tone, Hiruzen inhaled deeply before proceeding with the somber disclosure, "Although Sunagakure has chosen the path of retreat, Iwagakure and Kirigakure have solidified their alliance with Kumogakure."

These words fell upon the assembly like a cold, unwelcome shower, extinguishing the flicker of hope that had briefly burned within their hearts.

The turn of events appeared almost surreal, for even the struggle against two great nations had strained their resources.

The loss of their formidable White Fang had further eroded their position of power, leaving them in a precarious and daunting situation.

The Hokage's address continued, his words carrying the weight of their current predicament. "This is the extent of the news I have to impart to you for now. Our village is in need of your unwavering dedication and valor."

With a solemn nod, he conveyed the urgency of the situation and the vital role each of them played in protecting their homeland.

"And now," Hiruzen announced, "you are all dismissed, except for the clan elders and the Sannin, who are requested to remain." These parting words left the assembled shinobi with heavy hearts, their expressions reflecting a mixture of concern, determination, and duty.

As they filed out of the meeting hall, the weight of the impending challenges rested heavily upon their shoulders, each resolved to serve their village with the utmost courage and commitment.

Minato also exited the meeting hall along with the others, and there he spotted his pupil, Kakashi, resting in the shade of a tree. Without hesitation, Minato walked over and took a seat beside him.

Kakashi, aware of Minato's presence, turned toward his sensei, his curiosity evident in his eyes. "What was the meeting about, Sensei?" he inquired.

Minato, understanding the importance of this moment, chose his words carefully. "Suna has decided to retreat from the war, thanks to the heroic actions of Sakumo from the Leaf," he revealed.

Minato wanted Kakashi to grasp the significance of his father's sacrifices and the pivotal role he had played in defending Konoha by crippling Sunagakure's shinobi army.

Upon hearing this, Kakashi couldn't help but feel a surge of pride. His father's contributions had been acknowledged, and he knew that, in no small part due to Sakumo's actions, the war was now on a path toward resolution.

Minato's following words left Kakashi in shock, his mouth slightly agape. "But Iwa and Kiri have joined forces with Kumo, and they are planning a joint attack on us. Both Kiri and Iwa are amassing their shinobi near our borders, and Kumo has even acquired their Jinchuriki, the Gyuuki. It's rumored that the Raikage himself will be leading them into battle."

The weight of this revelation hung heavily in the air. Kakashi found it difficult to believe what his sensei was conveying – they were on the brink of war against three great nations.

The toll of the ongoing conflict was already immense, with Konoha having lost a significant portion of its shinobi, while Kumo had suffered even greater losses, losing two-thirds of their battle force.

Kakashi hesitated for a moment, well aware that his next question could have dire consequences if overheard. He leaned in closer to Minato and asked, "Sensei, do you think we can win this war?"

Minato's response was measured and reassuring, "There's no need for you to worry about that. We've taken precautions. We've signed numerous treaties with smaller nations, pledging our support in exchange for theirs if more than two countries were to attack Konoha simultaneously. We've offered them safe trade routes across our lands and waived a portion of the loans they owe us."

Kakashi asked again, his voice laced with concern, "Will that be enough, Sensei? Won't they also turn on us the moment they have the chance?"

Minato leaned in, his expression serious. "That's why we'll have to demonstrate to the world that we're winning by any means necessary."

Kakashi comprehended the gravity of Minato's words. He was acutely aware that his village had thrived on the conquests of others, standing atop the ruins of villages they had captured and exploited.

In this world, strength was the currency of freedom. Konoha had to show unwavering dominance to maintain its position on the global stage.

Minato shifted the conversation's focus, saying, "Kakashi, I believe you understand the implications. We're on high alert now, ready to be deployed at any moment. You'll be with me, and it seems likely that I'll be stationed alongside Jiraiya-sensei near Iwagakure. He's the only one who can effectively handle the Tsuchikage."

A few moments passed before Minato continued, "I also anticipate that Kushina will be deployed. The Rock Village will likely use its full military might right from the outset, especially when they perceive us as weakened. They'll probably unleash the Four-Tails and Five-Tails in the battle too." 

The weight of their impending duties settled upon them as they contemplated the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead in this war against overwhelming odds.

Kakashi raised an important question, "Sensei, you and your team, along with Jiraiya-sensei, fought both of them, right? Do you believe you can defeat them?"

Minato contemplated for a moment before responding, "I've unquestionably grown stronger over the years. I believe I can handle any Kage-level shinobi in the world. With Jiraiya-sensei's support, we could certainly defeat them. However, the Tsuchikage won't make it easy for us."

Kakashi nodded in understanding, "I see now why Kushina-san would be required in the upcoming battle."

The gravity of the situation became more apparent as they discussed their preparations and the challenges they would face against formidable opponents.

Kakashi, with a sense of seriousness in his voice, posed another question, "Sensei, considering the power of the Tsuchikage and the combined might of Kiri and Iwa, should we also consider the possibility of using the Hokage's forbidden jutsu? The Reaper Death Seal."

Minato looked at Kakashi with a mix of concern and resolve. "Kakashi, the Reaper Death Seal is a last resort. We should exhaust all other options before even considering it. It comes at an immense cost, and I don't want to leave our village vulnerable in the long run."

Kakashi understood the gravity of the situation but couldn't help but feel the weight of responsibility. "I just want to make sure we're prepared for the worst, Sensei."

Minato placed a reassuring hand on Kakashi's shoulder. "I appreciate your concern, Kakashi. Let's focus on our strategy for now, and we'll keep the Reaper Death Seal as a last, desperate measure."

As they continued their discussion, the fate of Konohagakure hung in the balance, and both Minato and Kakashi knew they needed to make calculated decisions to protect their home.

Kakashi's question about the Rasengan brought a touch of melancholy to Minato's expression. He had spent countless hours trying to perfect the Rasengan's nature transformation, and despite his exceptional skills, it remained an elusive goal.

With a heavy sigh, Minato replied to Kakashi, "I've given it my all, but I still haven't been able to achieve the nature transformation for the Rasengan. It's a complex technique that not many have mastered."

Kakashi could sense his mentor's frustration, and it made him wonder about the challenges even a shinobi as talented as Minato faced.

"Don't be too hard on yourself, Sensei. You're already one of the most formidable shinobi out there."

Minato managed a small smile, appreciating Kakashi's support. "Thank you, Kakashi. I won't give up on it, but for now, I'll focus on using the Rasengan to the best of my abilities."

Their conversation shifted back to the impending war, their roles, and responsibilities.

But in the back of Minato's mind, the quest to perfect the Rasengan remained a personal challenge he was determined to overcome

Minato asked kakashi "Have you decided which path you are going to choose , whether ninjutsu or taijutsu or is it going to be kenjutsu"

Kakashi hesitated, the weight of his decision palpable in the air. He finally spoke, his words tinged with both humility and pride. "I have a deep affinity for the sword. My father, well, he always praised my swordsmanship, going as far as to call me a prodigy. He marveled at how quickly I grasped his techniques, even when I was just seven years old. He used to say I was already surpassing some of the special jounin in kenjutsu."

The revelation struck Minato with a sense of astonishment, but he quickly adopted a knowing expression. He trusted Kakashi's words implicitly; his student wasn't one to boast. He repeated in his mind, "better than some of the special jounin in kenjutsu."

Minato encouraged Kakashi with a supportive tone. "That's a remarkable choice, Kakashi. Following in Sakumo's footsteps as a kenjutsu specialist is an admirable path."

But Kakashi felt compelled to share his inner conflict. "Sensei, the dilemma lies in the fact that, while I excel in ninjutsu and I'm undoubtedly stronger in overall combat, my younger brother Tsukirai is the true kenjutsu prodigy. His ability to grasp my kenjutsu techniques at an unprecedented pace... it's unheard of."

Minato couldn't help but be taken aback by the extent of Kakashi's family's talent. It wasn't just kenjutsu; it seemed their skills spanned across multiple disciplines, including genjutsu. The weight of their legacy weighed heavily in the face of an uncertain future.

Minato chimed in with a smile, "I guess it runs in the blood."

The pride of being a Hatake swelled within Kakashi's chest at that moment.

As Minato rose from his shaded spot, he addressed Kakashi with a sense of urgency. "Kakashi, I think it's crucial that you inform your brother about the war's progress. I can't predict how many more months or even years this conflict might endure."

Continuing his counsel, Minato explained further, "Additionally, the higher-ups are considering the early graduation of the upcoming students. Advise your brother to focus on his training, to become as strong as possible in the coming years. It's possible he could be deployed if this war continues for an extended period."

Kakashi nodded appreciatively. "Thank you, Sensei."

With their conversation concluded, both student and sensei activated their shunshin and disappeared, heading back to their respective homes to prepare for the uncertain times ahead.