
Chapter 8 : Ajin meets Anya

Ajin was ready to leave his flat when his eyes lingered on the clock. He realized that he was late on the first day of his fake job. "Goddamit," he whispered to himself.

He hurried up wearing his shoes, to look dashing. He wore black glasses, then he heard his phone ring. It was the director.

Ajin picked up the call. "Where are you? Late on your first day?" Ajin was going to reply, but the director stopped him by saying, "Anya is in a mood right now hurry up and come or I'm firing you" he hung up. Great, he was gonna get fired before he even started working.

Upon reaching the address, he discovered Anya sitting like a queen while everyone tried to keep her company, but failed. The place was chaotic, and the director was commanding the workers to serve Anya.

He went to him and said, "Swadee Khrup" very hurriedly. "Why everyone is moving here & there for one person?" he continued. The director was angry at him, but he didn't say anything because it was his first day. He approached her.

He finally speaks as everyone goes silent and Anya stares at him, "swadee khrup mam, I am your new assistant, I will try to help you in every manner that I can do. If you need something, you can just ask me" he said approchively.

"I'll see," said Anya, waving a hand towards her makeup artist to continue. Completely ignoring Ajin.

"Okay khrup," said Ajin. "Do you need anything right now?" He said hopefully.

"A coffee could work for me," Anya said, not sparing a glance in Ajin's direction.

W T FUCK! Am I a servant? What do you expect from a dark magic soccer? I have done stuff you can't even imagine. Maybe I should just shift to Japan and become jujutsu soccer with Gojo and hunt for the cursed spirits. At least it will be better than to deal with shit.

He wanted to scream at Anya. But in the end, he said 'okay'.

He went to the director to ask if the studio had any coffee, but the director said 'No, there isn't' while fussing over his paperwork.

Great, now he has to drive 3 km just to get a coffee, he already hates Anya. such a princess! He thought sarcastically.

He drives to a cafe and goes inside.

Upon hearing the sound of the bell, the barista in the deserted cafe becomes alarmed. "hello na khurp!!! What can I get you?" he said hopefully.

"um... please pack a coffee" Well... Ajin was sympathetic. This barista was a kid, maybe just 18, and the cafe was deserted so he decided to have a coffee himself.

 " Right away, I will bring your order please wait" he looked happy and energetic. Ajin wondered when was the last time he got customers.

After 10-15 mins he came back from the kitchen and gave Ajin his order. While Ajin was paying, his bank account was having an error and was gonna start again in a day or two.


He groaned to himself. The barista kid looked at him curiously. "Are you okay? Looks like you're having a bad day?"

"Well, I am having a really bad day," Ajin replied deadpan.

"What is your name?" the kid asked.

"Ajin, what's yours?" Ajin asked back.

Hi Ajin, I'm Porchay. Lately, I've been having a tough time too these days. The cafe I work at is struggling and I'm worried about paying for my college. Though he was still smiling. 'but everything works out in the end, it always does'.

Ajin felt sorry for him, but he was still smiling. Guess some people were made like that.

'I'm sorry', Ajin said.

'don't be, you're having a bad day too. I guess then, Have a good day!' porchay said.

After paying with cash, he waved bye to Porchay and left. While driving back from the cafe, he drank his coffee.

And he had to admit, Porchay was good as a barista.

Guess Porchay just earned a regular.

The rest of the day went by without Anya ordering Ajin around. And even Anya called him to ask where he got the coffee from.

The scenes from Anya's series were taken and then again taken four hundred more times. The director finally said to pack up at 3 p.m. for which Ajin was very grateful.

Anya approached Ajin when everyone was packing her stuff, Ajin alerted at once. 'what do you need, ma'am?'

"there's no need to call me 'ma'am', Anya is fine" The sudden casualness shocked Ajin and Anya seemed to notice that too.

"Look," she continued, "I make my every new assistant work hard the first day to annoy them"

"Okay?" he was a bit confused.

"you look exhausted, I'm not gonna make you work that much.... and you're too handsome to be ordered around like a slave," she declared.

Ajin's cheeks felt hot. "thank you, khurp".

Anya just waved at him. "Don't be so formal, my assistants are just like friends".

Ajin nodded.

"Okay listen, this weekend I'm hosting a party for my fellow celebs, and I was just searching for a place" Ajin raised an eyebrow.

"I think the cafe you went to today would be perfect," Anya concluded.

hey hi hello!!

back with a new chapter

anddd i really hate GMMTV for cancelling the ship of ohmnanon, like why you gotta destroy my heart like that

anyway enjoy:>>

Brightwin_creators' thoughts