
Chapter 6 : Anya

(present hospital)

Ajin does not feel good. He is at the main door of the hospital and is about to leave for 'Gorya's café' right now.

He waves bye to white cause she has to go back to work. She got a job at an architecture company after she graduated from college with outstanding grades.

On the other hand, Ajin never graduated from college. He dropped out as soon as he got the job.

He pulls up in the driveway of the café and goes inside, as soon as he enters the girl/Gorya comes up to him and gives him a quick hug.

Both of them had grown quite fond of each other over the years. Now Ajin doesn't find Gorya strange like he used to. Ajin then asked.

"any mission from boss" in a serious tone.

Gorya gave him a unique coin that was different and the attractive bright gold color of the coin made it more alluring. At the side of the coin, it had a mini hole in which he had to insert a pin. After inserting the pin, Ajin saw a hole in that chit, but nothing was written.

Ajin fisted his hand on top of the coin and spoke a 'mantra', a light lit inside the coin, and as if a projection, alphabets floated in the air the coin.




Only Ajin and Gorya can see those words in the air. Ajin turned to Gorya and asked, "Who is Anya, by the way?" Gorya was in literal shock. "You don't know the famous actress ANYA? You have never heard of her? Not even in the news? Not even from any of your friends? Huh?"

"no, like I only watch documentaries related to black magic and I don't have that many friends, you know."

Gorya had an expression on her face that was close to pity.

"so tell me who is Anya?" Ajin asked in curiosity.

Gorya started to explain, "So Anya is a glamorous, stunning, famous actress." Gorya said while admiring her" And she is so pretty, gorgeous, and sexy that, everyone could fall for her irrespective of her physical features she is an excellent actress too and in her university, she was good at academics too. She is a perfect example of perfection" She pauses but after a minute gorya continues "She had been caught acting weird lately on camera."

"well no one is perfect and it's my mission to find some information about her so now I must be an actor in her series, to know her personally," Ajin said with full confidence.

"Yeah, well, all the best for your new mission, I gotta go now, bye." Said gorya.Ajin waved at her and left the cafe.

On the way to his flat, he was searching for Anya on his phone on that bright sunny day. He was thirsty, so he decided to go somewhere to drink iced tea. On the way, there he saw a man talking. He didn't mean to overhear, but it was the man's fault for talking so loudly...

"We can only take Anya in their series only if she does not reject us on the first call"

The man must be a director. Ajin hurried to the man and said, "Swadi khrup sir, are you a director?" the man nodded, only paying attention to his phone call.

"I want to work in your series, please khun." The director hung up his phone and said. "Boys like you daily come to me for a role in my series, but they all want to work with Anya."

It seemed like the man was very frustrated. He continued, "If you are here for that too, please leave." He took a sip of his coffee. Ajin started acting out of nowhere as a funny and clumsy character that made the director laugh hilariously.

Both of them were laughing. The director said, "You are quite good at making other people's moods fresh." He sighed. "Okay, I will take you as Anya's assistant. As she needs one." He said.

"and why is she in need of one?" he asked suspiciously.

"Oh! Her last one disappeared a week ago." He was in a mood to talk, so Ajin kept on asking questions, trying to sound very innocent.

"Where did he disappear? Was he found?"

"Well, currently we have no whereabouts of him. He was also one strange lad."

Ajin kept on asking questions. , the director found it suspicious, he asked "Why are you so interested in her? Huh?"

Ajin said while fixing his black hexagonal specs, "Ahh.. right! Now that I'm her assistant, I should know what to talk to her about and what not to." He was not making eye contact with him, but it seemed like the director didn't care about this stuff and handed his business card to Ajin.

"come to this address tomorrow at midnight" pointing towards the card "Also if there is some problem call me on this number which is on the card, goodbye."

The director walked out of the cafe, leaving Ajin staring at the card. In the bold letters written on the card were:


Ajin had heard a word about them or two. Working with supernatural things. You don't get enough time to watch a series.

Damn! He sighed. He needed a break. He took his iced tea and headed for his flat.

On such a sunny day the traffic was hilarious too and the person behind him was honking non-stop. He could not resist it-

"Shut up you fucking idiot! I'm not holding the whole traffic," he yelled while moving his head out of the car's window.

The honking stopped at once. "Good."

He went to his flat. Changed into something comfortable. Took his medication. And collapsed in his bed.

The rest of the work can wait.

HEY!! Hello!!

Were back with the next chapter

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