

A guy got hit by the truck. Yes, the truck that send people to the other world. However, it was a mistake. He wasn't supposed to die. So, the gods took pity on him and he was reborn in a world like one of the novels he read before. He was reborn as the side character but the gods gave him a gift as a compensation for their mistake. A cheat power that would enable him to be an overpowered someone and even more than the main characters. An overpowered side character that determines to keep his true potential hidden. How would he fare in a vicious world that is bound to shed bloods and sufferings?

Dyanty_ · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 7: Astelan Academy

My admittance to Astelan Academy was accepted so easily. I was set to leave for that elite school soon. I was busy with lessons because everyone was rushing to get me ready for the academy. They wanted to make sure I was behaving like a knowledgeable noble once I arrived at the academy. So that I didn't embarrass Lord Feene. It was suffocating to be honest. I'd have to mind my words, how to properly address other higher ranking noble, the royal family, and of course, how should I address myself in front of others. Don't get me started on the ethic on the table and which type of spoons or forks to use for specific meals. I felt like my brain was going to explode! Anyway, my current stats that I would be going with was this;

Class: Enhancer

Mana: 10

Strength: 10

Stamina: 10

Dexterity: 10

Agility: 10

Endurance: 10

Intelligence: 10

Luck: 5

Yeah, not that impressive but I have my secret after all. I didn't want to be flashy so that no one expects anything from me. I could just be at the sidelines, making sure the main characters kicking ass.

I decided to let the main characters take the spotlight. Let them do all the hard work to fight and all. That was easy right? I just need to make sure they were strong enough to defeat the enemies and I could just enjoy watching at the back. I knew for sure that I wouldn't be able to avoid getting send into the war. They already aware of my unique abilities anyway. So, I had to take what I can to have an easier life!

"Don't get in my way when we're at the academy." Fenneck warned me coldly. Hell, he was just turning 13 years old and had this kind of attitude? This world was surely amazing.

"S-sure.." I replied with a nod. I was still a stuttering mess when talking to other people. I could talk normally when I was alone or with Pip. Or, when I actually talked to sister Jane that one time. I guessed, my stuttering didn't have anything to do with my stats but the trait I was born in as Owens. I could only talk well with the person I felt safe with. I should brace myself to be mocked in the academy.

All of my suitcases were stuffed in the carriage. Would it be convenient if they invent cars already? They have magic! Couldn't they think of a more magical transportation? Flying carriage might have been better, or flying broomstick? Through my lessons I learned that the people in this world lack of creativity. They use magic for boring stuffs most of the time!

"You have everything ready?" Lord Feene asked me without much of a glance. He was busy looking at somewhere far away in front of him. I didn't know if it was his habit or something. He just used anything to avoid looking at my way.

"Y-yes, Lord Feene." I answered, straightening up my body.

"Good. When you're at the academy, make sure you get close to the rumoured swordmaster in the prophecy. You're in the same year as him." He informed me. Oh, so they found Aeros already. Well, it was to be expected.

"I.. I'll do my b-best."

"You better be. I'm looking forward to your performance in the academy." He finalised and left. He was just subtly implying that I needed to behave and not bring shame to his name. He only ever care of his image after all. What a narcissistic.

I had to share carriage with Fenneck. He was sneering at me and at Pip on my lap the whole time. Man, what was this kid's problem? He won over me at almost everything! He was better than me. So, what was there to be jealous about? Maybe, he just wanted a lizard of his own? Gosh, then he should've asked his father to get him a lizard pet or something!

It took only 3 hours to reach the Astelan Academy. It was located at the outskirts of Bristol. A little isolated to make sure the academy had enough privacy so that its students could focus on their study without the influence on outside world. I was curious what the academy looked like. It must be a massive place.

"We have arrived!" Sir Kyle announced from outside.

Fenneck exited the carriage first and I was right behind him. I looked at the majestic establishment in front of us. Astelan Academy wasn't a joke it seems. It was massive. If anything this looked like a castle. A medieval castle in the middle of a forest. I was lost for words. I admired such architectures and it was my dream to design such intricate building like this. Well at least in my previous life. I was a game developer. I designed maps and buildings in game.

"Owens, you should get in. You'll get used to the academy soon." sir Kyle brought me out of my trance. I cleared my throat and nodded. Yeah, I could admire this place more later.

Pip was vibrating excitedly in my arms. He probably anticipating to go here for a while. Well, he would be able to roam more freely here compared to when we were at the count's house. The academy encouraged student to bring their own magical creature or pet. Apparently there was a subject that specifically focused on those. That was interesting.

The dormitory was huge. It had a separate building than the main one. Even the design was also so good. Each room will be shared with 2 students. Fenneck was assigned to a single room. What a privilege kid. While me, I was placed in the regular room. When I entered the room, my roommate was not there but I could see he already occupied the left side of the room.

There were two beds, pushed against the wall. 2 study desk in front of the window and 2 wardrobes and a bathroom. Considering where I grew up in, this was a luxury. The cafeteria even provided one free meal per day. That was great.

Pip jumped off from me and started exploring the room. He had too many energy sometimes. The staffs already put my suitcases in the room. So, I dragged them all to the unoccupied side of the room and started unpacking. We had a welcoming ceremony the next day and they would conduct an assessment to see our stats and class. Oh joy.


"Is that the one? Woah, he's so good looking." I heard these girls were gossiping behind me. It didn't me take long, I understood who they were talking about. Aeros stuck out like a sore thumb among the sea of new students.

Rumours about him were spreading all around the capital. He was the champion of the open sword fight held by the King. He secured a spot in the Astelan Academy but everyone was mesmerised by his skills with the sword. He was exactly the main character in every story. Handsome, strong, kind and for some reason had a tragic back story.

Aeros was called by the teacher and he stepped out from the crowd. Everyone had their eyes on him. It was his turn to be assessed and all of us would see his stats. I was curious too. He climbed on the stairs toward the altar where a crystal was place on the podium. He put his hand on top of it. It glowed brightly.

Class: Swordmaster

Mana: 347

Strength: 521

Stamina: 601

Dexterity: 655

Endurance: 623

Agility: 457

Intelligence: 100

Luck: 50

Unique Ability:

Cardinal Aura

Divine Steps



His stats weren't a joke. What the hell! He surpassed even sir Kyle in terms of raw strength alone. He was only 13 years old. I wonder how strong he would be in the future by the time he graduated from this academy. Well, that was good. He should keep getting stronger. I would support him fully. He stepped down from the altar and was brimming with confidence and pride. Well, he should be. He became popular so fast.

"Owens Feene!" My name was called next. Oh man, were they serious? I would definitely made fun of. Getting assessed after that godly stats from Aeros was like going to put me at the bottom right away. The gap between us was too big.

I stepped on the altar, not meeting anyone's eyes. I took a deep breath and put my hand on the crystal. Once my stats was displayed, I could hear gasps and snickers from them. My face was burning. I didn't like this attention. As soon I was dismissed, I hurriedly left the altar and went to the back.

"He's the Enhancer? His stats is so low though!" I heard they talked.

"Man, how did he get in here with that kind of stats?"

"He makes me feel better with my own."

'Yeah, yeah, keep talking. I can lower your stats whenever I want!' I grumbled silently. I tried to ignore the stares I got. Most of them were mocking me and some pity me. This was okay. I could handle this. I wanted this to happen anyway.

A few more students were called and all of their stats were better than me of course but none of them even come close to Aeros'. I was waiting for the princess and also the archer. Maybe I was able to spot them here. As for the mage, he won't be attending the academy. We would have to wait for his appearance later.

"Floria Dahlia!" A familiar name was called. I perked up almost immediately. The crowd was noisy again. Most of them was mesmerised by her beauty as she stepped out.

Her hair was silver and her eyes were golden. Totally different when I met her last year. Probably because she was in a disguise back then. A princess roaming around the capital was uncalled for. I probably shouldn't mention that I knew her from back then. The way she presence herself was truly befitting her title as the princess. She put her delicate hand on top of the crystal.

Class: Saintess

Mana: 787

Strength: 91

Dexterity: 102

Stamina: 87

Agility: 84

Endurance: 588

Intelligence: 202

Luck: 150

Unique Ability:


Divine Healing

Celestial Blessing


She was stronger compared to last time. I was bewildered. Her stats was impressive. She probably had the highest mana among the first year student. Her Endurance was suspiciously high as well. It made me curious how she was able to raise her stats in just a year. What kind of training she went through? Or was it because the gods blessed her and awakened her divine power? Well, no matter, she was the female lead.

"So, it was true! She's the saintess."

"She's so beautiful like an angel!"

"She's truly a blessing from the heaven."

She was so popular already. Well, good for her. I was still waiting for the archer. There was another archer came forth before the princess but it was a guy. The archer was a female in the novel. She should be among us. Was it possible that the archer turned out to be a guy? Nah, everything was like in the novel so far. No way, there was a drastic change like that to occur.

The assessment continued and even until the last student, there was no archer among them. Wait, was I wrong? She attended the academy too. Hm.. This was weird. She should be here too. Well, I would find her later. I should focus on what I had now. Both of the main leads were already here.

I quickly made my escape from the hall when we were dismissed. I didn't want to be caught up with all these nobles brats that couldn't wait to slander me. Besides, I left Pip ran around the garden before I went to the hall. He was restless in the dormitory and I had to bring him outside. He knew what to do after all. He would hide if there were people around. He should be fine.

"Pip?" I called when I arrived at the garden. It was a beautiful garden. Everything was maintained with care so well. Flowers were blooming, the grass was green and bushes were trimmed. Pip emerged from the tree and ran toward me happily.

"Y-you're o-okay, ri-right?" I asked him as he climbed on my shoulder, rubbing his face on my cheek. He looked fine. So that was my answer.

"Is that your familiar?" Someone spoke not far from me. A skinny girl was standing there, a thick book in her arms, hugging it tightly. She was wearing a big frame glasses and a little messy long black hair.

"Y-yes. He's m-more l-like my f-friend." I responded with an awkward smile.

"Oh? Isn't that a salamander? It's pretty big." She approached us slowly, her green eyes were sparkling with fascination.

"H-he's a m-magical cr-creature. So, his s-size is b-bigger."

"Woah? Really? That's wicked!" She looked genuinely amazed. Pip held his chin high, pleased with the attention.

"Can he breath fire?"

"N-no.." I shook my head much to her disappointment. "I-I mean, n-not yet."

"Oh, he's still growing after all. Can't wait to see what he'll become in the future!" She grinned widely. It was contagious. Then her eyes widened as if realising something. "Ah, how rude of me. Pleased to meet you, I'm Ollie."

"Owens Feene, n-nice t-to m-meet y-you." I took her outstretched hand and we shook hand as formality. I made a friend, maybe.