

A guy got hit by the truck. Yes, the truck that send people to the other world. However, it was a mistake. He wasn't supposed to die. So, the gods took pity on him and he was reborn in a world like one of the novels he read before. He was reborn as the side character but the gods gave him a gift as a compensation for their mistake. A cheat power that would enable him to be an overpowered someone and even more than the main characters. An overpowered side character that determines to keep his true potential hidden. How would he fare in a vicious world that is bound to shed bloods and sufferings?

Dyanty_ · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 0: Prologue

The sound of nature, soft breeze and it was a bright sunny day. The kind of weather where everyone want s to laze around and just enjoy the moment. Right at the front porch of a humble looking house, sat an elder on a rocking chair. His face was serene with eyes closed, thoroughly enjoying his present moment.

Loud footsteps suddenly heard from inside the house. The front door pulled open, revealing a little boy not more than 10, running out and approached the elder.

"Grandpa! Grandpa! What's story you will tell me today?" The boy asked excitedly, shaking the old man's arm.

"Hmm.. Not today." The elder said quietly. The boy pouted and continued shaking him.

"Not fair! You said that yesterday too! You promised to tell me a story!" He whined.

"Huh, fine, you little rascal. I'll tell you a story." The elder sighed heavily and finally opening his eyes to look at the little boy.

"Yeay!!" The boy exclaimed happily, eyes sparkled in excitement. He hopped on the old man's lap, sitting down comfortably and ready to listen to the story.

"A long time ago, the world is in chaos. A demon lord raised from the realm of darkness vowed to dominate the world, swore to make everyone and everything his playthings. Amidst of the chaos, a few individuals were selected by the gods to defeat the demon lord. A genius swordmaster, an excellent mage, a phenomenal archer and an enhancer. These individuals banded together on a long journey to defeat the demon lord and its armies. Saving lives, securing the peace, protecting the weaks and restoring the hope of the tainted world." The elder began.

"And then? What happened next?" The boy was a little impatient. The old man smiled.

"The hero, the swordmaster alongside his friends defeated the demon lord and the demon armies. The peace was restored, the world was not engulfed in the darkness anymore. It's happily ever after." He finished. The boy's face fell, showing a disappointment. The elder raised an eyebrow, surprised. "What's wrong?"

"It's boring! It's the same thing everytime!"

"Boring? Haha.. That's how the story is supposed to be though. The hero defeated the bad guys and it's happy ending."

"But it's boring!"

"Hm... Alright, I have a slightly different story. Do you want to hear it?"

"What's it about?"

"Have you ever wonder, the point of view of a side character?" He grinned. The boy perked up.

"Tell me! Tell me!"

"Alright, alright.." The elder cleared his throat. "Well, the story begins with a truck."