
Water Scarcity

In conclusion, why did we entitle our piece, "A Life that Flows"? We did this because, life will not work and continue if we lack a driving force, and that force, is flowing the water. Those who live in areas where water is abundant, like us, unconsciously waste water as if we own it. Uknowingly, there are many people who cannot feel how refreshing water is, just for begging for a single drop, chain reaction happened conflict in marriage, suicide, health issues, and the need to spend money to attain this. We need to realize that the choice we make, the lifestyle we live, the things we consume, and nearly every component of our lives has a great impact on the environment. Even our single step can help, if and only if together we'll take a walk to achieve a change. It is not too late for us, but it will be too late if we will just turn our backs regarding this issue. We should not wait for the time that our planet become dry. Also, we hope that in the future, water would flow again on areas that experienced scarcity.