
Chapter 8

Slowly, she dragged her gaze away from his hands to look into the blue depths of his eyes. Did he understand his power? Did he know he was gifted, as her grandmother would say?

Like a bolt of lightning in the young summer sky, it struck her that if she needed him, if she needed those hands, all she would have to do was say his name.

“Daniel,” she breathed.

He tilted his head, a confused smile on his lips. “Yes?”

She blinked and stepped away, severing the contact. “I guess I’ll, um, go get dressed.”

“You don’t have to.”

“What?” she asked sharply, the electricity from his touch still sparking in her blood.

“I mean, I could always come back later. You should…get some rest…if you’re tired.” He stood, towering over her. How could he be two years younger than her? He was bigger, stronger, than most men she knew.

“No, no. I mean, I’m up now, right?” She smiled, wondering if her cheeks were as red as they felt.

Daniel nodded. “If you’re sure. I’ll wait outside while you dress.”