
Chapter 73

Behind her, the crowd rustled quietly—feet tapped against the floor, women adjusted their skirts, men straightened their jackets. She even caught a few whispered exchanged. Resisting the urge to look over her shoulder, she imagined Rebecca and Paul sitting in the front pew, their hands entwined.

“And now, Daniel and Carol would like to recite their own vows,” the pastor announced. She wished she knew his name. “Carol.”

They turned to face each other, clasping hands. Carol could see awe and reverence reflected in Daniel’s eyes and her heart swelled. She opened her mouth, but suddenly the vows she had scripted the week before were gone. Blinking, she tried desperately to recall the words, but she could only see a blank piece of paper, waiting to be filled. The air seemed heavy against her skin as the seconds dragged.