
Chapter 70

Daniel saved her from responding by pointing his fork at Paul. “Have you ever been to Idaho?”

“Um, no, I can’t say I have.”

Carol and Rebecca both studied their plates as Daniel told Paul about Mountain Grove at great length. Carol didn’t even hear him, focusing instead on the discussion she planned to have with Rebecca.

* * * *

“The dress looks beautiful on you,” Rebecca insisted as she walked a slow circle around her mother.

Carol grimaced as she studied herself in the mirror. The white dress hung off her shoulders, exposing her freckled and aging skin. The layered skirt ended about four inches above her knees, ballooning out around her thighs and making her hips look huge. The breast was studded with rhinestones, designed to draw eyes directly to her cleavage. “This isn’t going to work.”

“But Suzy insisted it’s the latest fashion.”

“Who is Suzy?”

Rebecca pointed to the short girl behind the counter. “Her.”