
Chapter 6

“But what about the caterers?” Becky called.

“They’ll wait, too!”

Daniel eyed the steep hill with trepidation. He knew he used to race up to the top in just over a minute, his strong legs practically flying over the ground. He remembered it vividly, but he didn’t believe it was ever possible. He knees ached now at the thought of pushing his body up the incline.

“Come on,” Carol encouraged. “You’re not getting old on me, are you?”

Daniel thought about the senior citizen’s card now residing in his wallet and grimaced. “Getting old? Darling, I’ve been there for years.”

“This is nothing,” she said, starting up the trail.

“Says the woman who climbed Kilimanjaro,” he muttered as he followed her.

“Isn’t the air glorious up here?” she called from several feet away. “So…invigorating!”

“Yes, invigorating,” he wheezed. “Hold up, I need to catch my breath.”