
Chapter 63

Daniel turned to face her now. He needed to look her in the eye. A face-to-face confrontation was the least they both deserved. “I need you, too, and you never cared about that.”

She gasped, her face turning red. “How can you say that to me? How dare you? I was there every time you needed me.”

“No, you weren’t,” he countered, a swelling wave of emotion finally overtaking him. “You were not there. I needed you every single day of my life. You weren’t there and I’m sorry, but I’m done waiting.”

“I did everything I could for you—”

“You did everything you could when you could be the hero. You were never interested in my daily life. Too mundane? Maybe for you, but I was happy, or nearly happy.” He struggled to keep his voice even, but there were too many words, too many feelings that he had ignored or pushed aside for too long.

“Do you want me to apologize?” The question sounded sincere.