
Chapter 60

Carol stopped short. “What?”

He smiled. “Okay. You’ve convinced me. I’ll go wherever you want to go.”

Carol leaned against the couch. She didn’t feel victorious. “You’re just saying that. You think if you give in now, I’ll forget about it later.”

“I don’tthink that. Maybe a part of me has always been a little bit curious about what you do. Maybe I just want to go to Africa.”



“I’m planning a trip for the summer of ‘82. That gives you about eighteen months to do what you need to do,” Carol announced.

“Eighteen months.”

She smiled. “And don’t think you can get out of it.”

“I wouldn’t even try. Now, eat your beans before they get cold.”

Carol obediently swallowed a mouthful of beans, too pleased with herself to care about the food. She didn’t even feel hungry anymore. All she wanted to do was pull out her books, her maps, and her various phone numbers and get to work.

“It’s going to be great,” she promised. 11