
Chapter 51

“You know, her graduation is May twenty-eighth,” Carol said, pulling eggs and milk out of the fridge.

“I know.”

“Will you be able to make it?”

Daniel should have been hurt, even offended, by the question. What kind of father would miss his only daughter’s high school graduation? But Carol had a right to ask, didn’t she? “Yes. I’ve cleared my calendar. Barring any unforeseen catastrophes…”

“Yes, of course.”

Something about her tone grated on his nerves. “Well, excuse me. At least I’m in the same state.”

Carol looked at him over her shoulder. “I didn’t mean to imply anything—”

“I know I missed a lot of time with her these past few years,” he said defensively, “but I’d have to completely disappear for the next five years to even your score.”