
Chapter 49

“Because there’s a stone right in the middle of my spine.”

“Oh. Sorry.” She struggled to get to her feet, untangling her clothes and limbs from his body. She extended her hand, pulling him to his feet. “Better?”

He buttoned his pants and grimaced. “Yes and no.” He pulled her against him. “I’d rather you be on top of me again—”

“What are you doing tonight, sailor? Maybe we could go for a…walk.”

He kissed her. “Sounds good.”

“We better get back before Rebecca comes looking for us,” she said, tapping his chest.

He laughed. “Why would she come looking for her yucky old parents when she can talk Bradford’s ear off?”

Carol smiled wryly. “Good point. You know, I love you, Daniel Scambray.”

“Then marry me, Carol Thorn.”

“You mean we haven’t done that yet?”

He kissed her forehead. “No.”

“Then name the time and place, and I’ll be there.”