
Chapter 45

“Are you still the pastor?” she asked, hating herself for not already knowing the answer.

“Of course!”

“I thought maybe you’d be thinking about retiring—”

“Me retire? Oh no, I love it too much, and they love me. We’re like a family now. I couldn’t retire. It would be too…too painful to see another person leading my congregation,” he explained, taking a pitcher of fresh milk out of the fridge. He held it up and smiled. “I bet you haven’t tasted anything like this in years.”

She returned his smile. “You bet right. It looks delicious.”

“I have fresh eggs and fresh pork, too. We’ll have a feast tonight!”

“I guess not much changes up here,” she said lightly. “How often do you go down into the city?”

“Oh, never. What do I want with the city? They bring my mail up here, I have plenty of food and good friends. No, no, there’s nothing for me down there.” He poured the thick cream into two mugs.