
Chapter 41

“I don’t know what to do,” he sighed, pushing the half-empty bowl away from him.

“Are you done eating?”

He nodded.

“Maybe you feel better after some sleep. You look so exhausted.”

Daniel knew he’d only feel better if he could see his baby girl’s clear blue eyes, looking at him with amusement, and pride, and love. Even so, he followed Carol to bed like an obedient child, recognizing that the sooner he slept, the sooner he could return to the hospital.

Stripping naked, Carol crawled into bed with him, folding herself into his arms. He held her like a frightened child, taking a modicum comfort in her heat, and her softness, and her sweet breath against his face. She rubbed his shoulder and back, caressing him with infinite tenderness, her fingers like silk on his skin. She spoke to him, meaningless words that, combined with the movement of her hands, lulled him into a doze, and finally, a deep, exhausted sleep.

* * * *