
Chapter 3

Bradford clapped again. “That was really great. Isn’t my little girl something?”

The group all clapped and nodded enthusiastically.

“Ok, everybody,” Patricia said over the crowd, “we’ll be picking up at the same spot tomorrow night. God bless.”

“Is there anything fun to do around here?” Carol whispered as the dismissed crowd swarmed her father.

“What?” Daniel asked with mock confusion. “This isn’t fun?”

She arched her eyebrow and pursed her lips. “No. It’s not.”

Daniel laughed. “Well, it’s too bad for you that this is the most exciting thing going on around here.”

“Are you serious?” She stood, her face an open book of horror. “Oh, you can’t be serious.”

“You think we’re hiding a jazz club or something around here? You’ve been through the town.”

Carol frowned, confused. “The town? What town? You mean those buildings we passed on the road? That’s the town?”