
Chapter 39

Daniel dutifully dressed in the clothes Rebecca had chosen, even digging out the silver cufflinks his mother had given him on his thirtieth birthday. He slicked back his hair, grimacing at his reflection. When had his face gotten so fat? His head looked more like a balloon.

His daughter was almost a teenager, his fiancé was three years late in returning home, and time hurled forward without consideration. He pointedly ignored the growing bands of gray radiating from his temples.

“I’m ready,” Rebecca shouted from the hallway. “Hurry up, we’re going to be late!”

He glanced at the clock hanging above the bed. They wouldbe late. Perhaps he could talk Rebecca out of attending the ceremony—perhaps he’d have to resort to bribery. Shelling out a few bucks for root beer floats seemed much more reasonable than standing at the center of attention.

“Why don’t we just go right for the ice cream?” he suggested as he descended the stairs.