
Chapter 31

“Yes, he’ll be here. Be careful. Don’t burn yourself.” Carol danced around the kitchen. “How do those vegetables look?”


“Yes, but are they done?”

Rebecca stood on the tips of her toes, looking over the stove to the back burner. “Yes.”

“Okay, turn it off.”

“Who else is coming? I don’t remember.”

“Some of my old friends, from before you were born.”

“From California?”

“Yes. Oh, honey, be careful. I don’t want you to hurt yourself. Why don’t you go set the table?”

Rebecca dropped the spoon, splashing hot water everywhere. “Okay.”

Carol looked around the room and sighed. She knew she didn’t have to be nervous—she wasn’t trying to impress anybody tonight. But she still wanted her dinner party to be perfect. She had an important announcement to make.

“Am I early?” Daniel asked as he stepped through the front door.