
Chapter 29

“I know, Mom. I’ll remember that.”

She smiled at him, squeezing his arm. “You know I’m here if you need me.”

He followed her downstairs, finding Emma and Rebecca in the kitchen, sharing a piece of cake. Rebecca held up her fork with a chocolate-covered smile. “Want some, Daddy?”

“No, not right now, Becky girl. Do you want to go out with Grandma for—”

“Ice cream!” Patricia suggested quickly.

Rebecca dropped her fork on the counter, the cake instantly forgotten. “Yes!”

“Go grab your hat and coat. It’s getting chilly out there.” Patricia smiled at Emma. “Would you like anything while we’re out?”

“No, thank you.”

A short time later, Daniel tried to form his announcement carefully, choosing the precise words, the precise pitch of his voice. But he was a forward man, the words he needed to say were crowding his mind. There wasn’t a way to soften this. “Carol came back.”

Emma’s eyes widened. “Where is she? Is she here? Is she upstairs?”