
Chapter 27

Carol looked at him with stricken eyes. “You’re serious about this, aren’t you? You really mean to marry her.”


“How could you? You made a promise!”

“So did you,” he countered, his voice deceptively calm. At that moment, he didn’t know if he wanted to kiss her or strangle her for putting him through every sort of hell.

Carol wrapped her fingers around the nearest object—a framed photograph of Rebecca—and chucked it at his head. He dodged, the corner barely nicking his ear.

“That’s the second time you’ve done that,” he said, cupping his ear.

“You deserved it,” she snapped.

A bright flash of red sparked in front of his eyes as an alien emotion clutched his chest. He moved toward her, but he didn’t know what he intended to do. He reached for her, his hands closing around her arms. He could barely see her face, barely hear her protests above the roaring wave in his ears.