
Chapter 13

“It was.”

“Did you guys have a fight?”

Carol liked Rodney. He was a good friend and a decent roommate. He didn’t work, but always had money. He always knew where the best parties were, where the best meetings were. He knew everybody in the city, but nobody seemed to see him. Like a ghost, he slipped through the streets and alleys, building his connections, making introductions and gathering favors, but never attracting attention. She liked him well enough, but she didn’t want to try to talk about Daniel.

“Did he want to marry you?” he asked.

Carol blinked. “How did you know?”

“I don’t know what else could cause such a big fight.” He looked around the room. “At least you slept together first.”

She hit his arm. “How did you know?”

“I just know these things. So I guess you’re not getting married?”