

Earth was a very peaceful and bright planet. Technology was becoming more advance and humans were becoming smarter. Everything was great until suddenly, a huge dimensional crack appeared on the surface of the earth. This crack polluted the environment of the earth causing the animals to turn into mutants, plants to evolve, and finally changing the body system of all humans.

Alalibo_Samuel · Fantasy
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37 Chs


"A normal shadow doesn't have the power to infiltrate the human capital" Muzi replied as he got ready to activate his most powerful spell. But right when he poured his mana on his broadsword to activate his spell, an explosion suddenly rang out amid the trio.

"Muzi!!" Dave screamed as he tried to fend off the shockwaves from the explosions with his ranked weapons.

"Oh, I forgot to tell you guys that usage of your manas here is prohibited" The mysterious shadow suddenly said with a canny smile on his face.

"WHAT DO YOU WANT!!?" Dave shouted as he looked at the foreign shadow with reddened eyes while holding onto a badly beaten Muzi.

After being unresponsive for a few moments as he stared at the two students with a strange smile, he finally spoke still with that deep voice but in a curious tone.

"What did you do to cause the phenomenon that happened a year ago?"

A sudden twitch appeared in Dave's face for only an instant before he answered hurriedly.

"I don't know what you are talking about"

Although that sudden twitch appeared on Dave's face for only an instant, the foreign shadow still noticed it which made him confirm that his hypothesis was true. And so, with a wider smile, the foreign shadow replied.

"Well since you don't want to do things the easy way, then we do things the hard way"

Suddenly, the foreign shadow lifted his left hand and snapped the fingers on it. That sudden gesture made the still unconscious Muzi vanish from Dave's grasp and appeared on the left side of the shadow while being held by its left hand.

"LET GO OF MY FRIEND!" Dave shouted as he ran towards the shadow with a panicked expression. But before he could reach the shadow, an invisible barrier suddenly appeared between him and the shadow.

"Are you going to tell me now?" asked the shadow as he pointed at Muzi with a wicked smile on his face.

"I really don't know!" Dave said with a panicked look while attacking against the barrier with all the physical strength he has.

"Then say bye-bye to your friend," said the shadow as condensed darkness in a form of a drill suddenly appeared on the finger the shadow used to point at Muzi's head.

"DON'T!!" Dave screamed as he hopelessly watched the drill getting closer to Muzi's head with bloodshot eyes.

But right as the drill could get into Muzi's head, the shadow suddenly saw a speck of light appearing outside the barrier he was in.

'What is that?' the shadow thought as he looked at the speck of light coming out of Dave's chest with curiosity.

Dave is currently unaware of what was happening to his body, that's because he seemed to have entered a trance from the situation he was in.

In his trance, he saw what seemed to be an infinite void all around the place. But after some time, a speck of light suddenly emerged in the infinite void. That speck of light stayed motionlessly in the spot It emerged from for some time, but then, a sudden shockwave spread into the void from that speck of light.

'What am I seeing?' Dave thought while watching the strange scene right in front of him. But not long after, a big explosion suddenly happened on the speck of light as it quickly covered the infinite void with a blinding light.

"AARGH!!" Dave screamed as soon as that blinding light engulfed his mind in the trance not knowing that something spectacular has happened outside his mind.





Back in time when a speck of light began to shine on Dave's chest as he entered a trance. The shadow quickly removed the barrier between him and Dave as he got closer to find out what was going on.

"I don't see this every day," the shadow said while staring at Dave with curiosity all over his face. But not long after, a dangerous sensation appeared in the shadow's mind as he studied Dave.

"Why am I having this fee-" said the shadow with a confused expression right before he got interrupted by a strange scene happening right before his eyes.

That speck of light that previously appeared on Dave's chest has engulfed his entire body in a blinding light. When the shadow saw this, he had a look of disbelief as he shouted while shielding himself from the light.


But what he did to protect himself seems to be ineffective as that same light that engulfed Dave suddenly spread as it covered the entire void along with the entire pagoda they were in.

Unfortunately, the light didn't seem to catch him as he quickly vanished from that area before the light could get to him. But a voice rang out from the void as the shadow disappeared.

"I will be back for you"

Back at the pagoda's entrance, three people were seen floating at the tower of the pagoda as the students know where to be seen.

"Lucas, do you have any clue on why that devil came here?" the only woman among the trio asked while still staring at the pagoda. When Lucas heard that question, he suddenly had a gloomy look on his face as he said.

"Well, I think it's because of-"

But before he could finish answering, a blinding light suddenly appeared and engulfed the pagoda. When the trio saw this scene, they were surprised at first by the sudden event. But their expression quickly changed to disbelief after feeling the aura coming from the light.

"Am I dreaming!?" the other man said with disbelief still on his face. Lucas quickly answered him with disbelief also on his face.

"No, you are not Steve. What we are witnessing here is actually a divine aura"

(To be continued...)

Sorry guys but there won't be any update on Sunday because of an unexpected event so please bear with me till Monday. Thanks :-)

Alalibo_Samuelcreators' thoughts