

Earth was a very peaceful and bright planet. Technology was becoming more advance and humans were becoming smarter. Everything was great until suddenly, a huge dimensional crack appeared on the surface of the earth. This crack polluted the environment of the earth causing the animals to turn into mutants, plants to evolve, and finally changing the body system of all humans.

Alalibo_Samuel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


One year later.....




"Welcome everyone to the new students sparring contest. Am Jack and with Bella beside me, we are the host of the wonderful event" said a chubby man sitting beside a stunning beauty in the commentator's booth located in the Green Country academy coliseum.

"Yes, Jack. But as the host, why don't you tell us how this contest will be carried out" said Bella with a charming smile.

"Of course. The contest will be carried out in a one-time knockout system, the winner will be awarded a very lavish gift. Not only that but I heard that the fate of these new students will be a bit different than the previous ones"

"Oh, it seems things are becoming interesting this year," said Bella with a light chuckle.

In another booth located above the audience of some second years and normal humans, two aged men are sitting among the three sits located in the pod accompanied by a waiter standing beside the entrance with her head lowered.

"I heard Long has gotten another disciple and went in secluded training for a year with him"

"Hmph, the last time he did that with his first disciple, what was the outcome? Although that kid is a bit talented in the control of his power, his element was just a mediocre ice element"

"But Long also has the ice element so it isn't surprising that he seriously trained someone of the same element as him"

While this discussion was going on in what seemed like a VIP booth, another aged man suddenly walked in. Immediately after this aged man walked in, the other aged men paused their discussion to see who was that.

"Speak of the devil and he appears"

"Old Long, long time no see"

That's right, the aged man that just walked in is Mr. Long, Dave's current master. He was wearing his normal white robe with golden linen on it. Although the other aged men were wearing similar clothes, the colors were different as one of them was wearing a black robe with white linen and the other wearing a blue robe with black linen.

"Hahaha, it's been a long time indeed Old Lawrence and Old Manuel," said Mr. Long in a joyful manner as he sat next to the aged man with the blue robe.

"So I just heard from Old Lawrence that you just got a second disciple," said the aged man with blue robes.

"That's right. And I must say, am wholly satisfied with him" said Mr. Long still in a joyful manner.

"What makes you so satisfied with him, Old Long?" asked Old Lawrence with a curious expression.

Suddenly, Mr. Long smirked mysteriously as he answered Old Lawrence's question.

"Be patient and it will be unfolded in front of your eyes"

As Long and his aged friends were discussing at the VIP booth, the commentators were discussing the new students' profiles as they were walking to the coliseum platform.

"The next student on the list is Dave Starks. Unfortunately, his Rank and his element are both unknown so we would just wait till when he battles to know his power" said Jack with an awkward smile on his face.

While his empty profile was being announced in the coliseum, Dave slowly but steadily walked to the stage.

"Huh? Who Is that?"

"How would I know? aren't we both living in the same dorm?"

"He's so handsome"

Right now Dave's temperament is completely different from how it was a year ago. His dark blue hair has grown to the extent of tying it at his back to form a ponytail. he wore the Academy's special uniform of the green and white battle suit. Under the curious gaze of his fellow students on stage and in the audience, he quietly stood in line with the new students on the platform.

"Ok final student on our list goes by the name Jake Turner. He turns out to be one of the direct descendants of the prestigious Turner Family. Not only that, he is quite a genius in the initial phase of Rank D with super rare elements of space and mist"

While the commentator was revealing the last student's profile, a 12-year-old boy quietly walked out from the coliseum platform entrance towards the platform. He has dark hair that was trimmed in a suitable length for his age with dark purple eyes, he naturally wore the Academy green and white battle suit.

"Hmm. This kid is pretty strong his age"

"I agree. Not everyone can reach that level at his age"

"It seems we have already known who will win in this year's new students contest"

Some discussion arose among the second-year students while the rest were just cheering for Jake as he quietly stood beside Dave.

'This tournament just got a little interesting ' thought Dave as took a glance at Jake with a smirk on his face.

"Now that all the students are on the platform, let's introduce the referee to everyone here. His name is Tang Shen and he was personally appointed from the capital to referee this event" said Bella with a smile on her face.

Suddenly, Time seems to stop as Tang quietly landed on the platform from the sky. But after a successful landing on the platform, Time resumed back to its normal pace.

'He stopped time just to land on the platform. It seems like he is stronger than Master that is at the peak phase of Rank C' thought Dave as he looked at Tang with a deep gaze.

While ignoring the uproar from the audience and the peculiar behavior of the students on the platform, Tang deeply announced.

"Welcome everyone to the new student's sparring contest. the contest will be carried out in a knockout system among the 16 new students on the platform. Let us all look at the screen of the coliseum for further understanding"

After hearing Tang's instructions, everyone in the coliseum looked toward a huge screen in it. After seeing how the knockout format will be and the matchup among the students on the platform, the audience nodded and looked back at Tang.

"Now that has gotten the idea of how the contest will be like, we shall kick off the event with the first matchup. The rest of the students should leave the platform."

Immediately, all the students except Dave and another student left the platform and sat in the participant's area

'why am I the one opening this boring event' complained Dave as he just stood there while the other student entered a battle stance holding a sword and shield.

"Ready?" asked Tang as he looked at both of the students on the platform. After receiving a nod from both the students, he immediately shouted in a deep voice.


(To be continued...)