

Earth was a very peaceful and bright planet. Technology was becoming more advance and humans were becoming smarter. Everything was great until suddenly, a huge dimensional crack appeared on the surface of the earth. This crack polluted the environment of the earth causing the animals to turn into mutants, plants to evolve, and finally changing the body system of all humans.

Alalibo_Samuel · Fantasy
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37 Chs



Being waked up from his dazed expression by the sudden roar at his back, Mr. Tang turned to face the new threat coming towards them with a solemn look.

10 more bladed bulls were coming toward them but Mr. Tang simply ignored them since they were all in the peak stage of Rank D. What made Mr. Tang concentrate was because of a very robust bladed bull coming from the back of the incoming beasts. It had a mixture of golden and black colors on him along with his blade exuding a strange aura.

'Peak of Rank C' thought Mr. Tang as he rushed toward its location in other to clash with it. But he failed to notice that the two strongest bladed bulls from the previous group suddenly dashed towards opposite directions as soon As they heard the previous roar.

Back in where Dave's group was, out of the 9 peak Rank D soldiers, 4 are dead while the remaining are struggling to fight head-on with the beasts, But the situation with the students was quite the opposite.

Although Jake, Viona, and Jonah had paled expressions because of the constant usage of spells, they still pushed on since they knew that their life was on the line.

'i guess I can't keep this hidden for long' thought Jake as he was currently facing a Rank C bladed bull in the initial phase.


When Jake activated that spell, time seems to slow down as he raised his sword and did a vertical slash. The result of the move Jake just executed shockingly divided 5 bladed bulls in front of him into equal halves. Just so you know, Jake is currently at the peak stage of Rank D and he is just 12 years old!

"So strong" exclaimed Viona after seeing the spell Jake used to clear almost all the bladed bulls In their area.

'Is this the power of an energy move' thought Jonah as he had a pensive look on his face while fighting the last beast in their area.

Although Jake is completely drained after using that spell, he still stood up straight with pride when he saw Viona staring at him.

'Let's see how Dave beats this'


Suddenly, they heard a beast roar that made them feel panicked not far from them. But before they could even react to the roar, Viona's voice suddenly rang out.

"You guys look over there!"

After seeing Viona pointing in a direction in the forest, they simply looked at that area. But what they saw made them have disbelief expressions.

What they saw was Dave standing in front of a bladed bull that supposedly should be in the middle phase of Rank C!

Dave stared at the menacing bladed bull that has a long wound across his torso as he reviewed his body condition.

'I don't have much energy reserve left in my core. Looks like I will have to use my energy move'

After reaching this point in his thoughts, he suddenly dashed at the bladed bull.


After seeing the annoying creature that opened a wound on his torso coming towards him again, the bladed bull exploded with anger as he slashed his left blade toward the incoming Dave. but before it could reach him, an unexpected event unfolded.


When this spell was activated, Dave seems to run right through the beast as it exploded when Dave come out from the back of it.

"What just happened? did anyone see that?" asked Jonah as he looked at his fellow students and the remaining three soldiers around him who were also watching the battle.

But unfortunately, they all had confused and shocked expressions on their face when they saw what happened. Only Jake seems to have the ability to mutter something with his confused shocked face.

"He is strong"

What happened there was that Dave used the dark energy in the environment to compress his attack toward a certain area on the beast's body while reinforcing the force of the attack to a frightening level. Coupled with his ranked weapon and the momentum he had accumulated while approaching the beast, made him have the ability to run right through the beast.

"What are you guys gawking at? we have more beasts coming toward us" screamed Dave as he ran towards the incoming beasts.

After being jolted back from their shocked expressions, they immediately followed Dave to face the beasts. But before the two sides could clash, they heard a calm voice reverberating in the forest.

"There is no need to fight, help has arrived"

After hearing that calm voice come to a stop, all the beasts in the area suddenly exploded as their body parts flew in different directions.

While being shocked by the unexpected situation that just happened, they finally saw a figure high in the sky above the forest.

It was a man wearing simple clothes of a peach-colored shirt and a jean along with a pair of white sneakers. Although Dave couldn't see the facial features of the man because of the sunlight that seems to be attracted to him, he still asked cautiously.

"Who are you?"

After hearing a question from a young boy wearing torn clothes that were slightly revealing his torso, he looked at the boy with a warm smile as he began to inspect his body status.

Although he got surprised by what he discovered from the boy, he still had a smile on his face which shines more radiantly than the previous one as he replies.

"I am Lucas Drake. The capital sent me to get you"

(To be continued...)