

Earth was a very peaceful and bright planet. Technology was becoming more advance and humans were becoming smarter. Everything was great until suddenly, a huge dimensional crack appeared on the surface of the earth. This crack polluted the environment of the earth causing the animals to turn into mutants, plants to evolve, and finally changing the body system of all humans.

Alalibo_Samuel · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
37 Chs


The Demon Hunters HQ consists of two tall buildings which is the first building the students saw while going through the entrance, followed by a huge building that can be seen from outside the HQ, and then small and simple houses which were neatly arranged in an orderly manner.

"Well, my mission is complete so I will say farewell," said Mr. Lucas while looking at the eager expressions on the students as they were looking out the window.

Although he got no response from the students, Mr. Tang later replied to him.

"Ok, Mr. Lucas. Thank you again for the help"

"No need for the thanks. It was just a mission I had to fulfill"

After replying to Mr. Tang, he slowly vanished from the front seat he was in. After some minutes of driving and sightseeing through the Demon Hunter's HQ, they finally stopped in front of a building as Dave saw someone he hasn't seen for a long time standing at the entrance.

"You have grown Dave," said Hutton as he calmly stood at the entrance while the four students were getting off the vehicle.

"While you are slowly turning into an old geezer," said Dave with a smirk. Hutton now looks older compared to a year ago. All his blonde hair now falls back and rested on his shoulder coupled with a slight beard that is slowly coming out from his face making him have a mature face. He wore a simple business suit just like the one he wore when he first met Dave.

When he heard the reply Dave gave him, he simply decided not to discipline him as he just gave a warm smile in response.

"He's he your older brother?" asked Viona as she looked at both Dave and Hutton with a curious expression.

"Kind of" replied Dave after staring at Hutton for a while.

"Ok let's move on with you guys' registration," said Mr. Tang as he guided the students into the building.

When they got into the building, they only saw a lineup counter at the end of what seemed to be a long hall. when they got to one of the counters, they saw an old woman dozing off at the counter.

"Ehem" coughed Mr. Tang after waiting for the woman to wake up for a few minutes.

"Umm... who dares to disturb this beauty sleep?" grumbled the old woman as she slowly woke up from her sleep.

'Beauty?' thought Dave as he silently look at the woman expressionlessly. The woman has wrinkles all over her face, she also has long gray hair that is packed at her back to make a bun. Although she had make-up on her which she thought will bring out her youthful beauty back, it didn't work out as she looked more hideous than before.

"it's me, senior, I came to register the students I brought from the Green Country academy" replied Mr. Tang with a straight face.

When she heard that voice and what it said, she instantly became awake as she looked at Mr. Tang.

"Oh, it's just you. Bring the students and let me register them" said the senior with an uncaring attitude.

"Here they are senior," said Mr. Tang as he guided the students to come forward. When she saw the students Mr. Tang brought, she smirked as she spoke.

"You have good taste, Tang"

"Thank you senior" replied Mr. Tang as he slightly bowed. The senior nodded to the bowing Tang as she began to register them.

There wasn't any special way in registering the students there. She only took their names, ages, and elements to complete the registration. Although Dave was unwilling to say his dark element to the woman, he still spoke it since he felt that the woman already knew.

"Here are your unofficial wears for the gathering that will be held in three days. Hutton will guide you all to where you will stay till then" said the senior as she completed the registration by stamping the documents on the table.

"Thank you, senior" replied Mr. Tang with another slight bow as he received the clothes. After doing that, he turned toward the student and said while giving them their clothes.

"Everything has been set for you guys from now on. Hutton here will direct you guys to your accommodation, I have other things to do now that am here so farewell".

After completing his statement, he simply nodded at Hutton and began to walk out of the building.

"Follow me guys," said Hutton as he also began to leave the building. But he slowed down for the students to catch up to him before they all left the building.

While they were on their way to their accommodation, Dave suddenly broke the silence with a question forwarded to Hutton.

"Can I know your rank brother Hutton?"

Although Hutton was a bit speechless by the way Dave was calling him, he later accepted it as he replied.

"Well I should be at the peak of Rank C since I have close to 5000 mana"

There was a strange silence that followed Hutton's reply. He knew that they will probably be shocked by his power if they found out so he was expecting this reaction. But what came next from Dave's mouth nearly made him puke out blood from his mouth.

"You are not that far off. I can catch up to you if I become more hardworking since am already in the initial phase of Rank C"

And so with a downcasted expression, he directed them to a bungalow that a number '10' on the door. All the houses in that area were bungalows with different numbers on the door.

"This is your accommodation for the next three days. Rest and get ready for the gathering in the three days. Good luck and goodbye"

After finally showing the students their accommodation, he suddenly flew away from that area.

"I don't think it's right to make your elder bro gloomy the first time you guys meet after god knows when," said Jake followed by Viona and Jonah nodding in agreement with Jake's statement.

"Don't worry about that. He will get Iver it pretty fast. Let's just check out our new house" replied Dave uncaringly as he opened the door of the bungalow.

The interior Of the building was simply perfect for four people living in it. its living room had three couches that gathered towards a large flat screen Tv that was off at the moment. Not only that but it connected with the kitchen as a simple deck just separated the two. There were four doors on each side of the house except the part Dave just came in from.

While admiring the white and blue color of the walls in the building. a thought suddenly popped into his mind.

'My new home'

(To be continued...)