
First Friend

As Ben concluded that the nightmare had begun, he tried to brush it off. That soon slipped his mind as he explored the school. It was wonderful! Polished walls, huge lockers and spacious classrooms. He headed over to his locker and put away his stuff. As he shut the locker door, he got a shock. There was a girl with curly hair and wearing rebellious clothes standing beside Ben. " Hey there, 'ya new here? Anyways, my name's Chloe. What 'bout you? " " Oh uh, my name's Ben. " He responded. There, he met my first friend. Chloe ended up being pretty fun to hang around, they chatted awhile until the bell rang. Luckily, they both were in the same classes, so they walked together. As they stepped into the classroom, Ben saw him. The guy he had bumped into earlier today! Xander was staring Ben down as he made his way to an empty seat.