
Enemy Chaser: I Want My Revenge

While hunting down a team that was said to be responsible for destroying his home, Adrian Dylan has sworn vengeance against all current members of Revelation. But in order to take them down, he needs to train and become strong enough to take them down. But in the very end, there will be a twist.

Anthony_Galloway · Fantasy
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24 Chs

Welcome Warriors, Elemental Test

"Warriors, I am your primary preceptor Lau Macent, and I will be one of your many preceptors." He roared. The formation remained quiet as he went on about the rules and regulations of our training.

The first regulation was that we would give one hundred percent of ourselves. This implied that we would not come here to slack. The second one was that we would consent to the training that could cause high injury level. The third one was that under no circumstances we would attack the other warriors in our formation unless instructed by a proctor. The fourth and most important one was to keep this strictly professional. The fifth and final regulation was that we, indeed, thoroughly and indeed understand the intention behind each rule.

We signed a document that was being passed around the formation. Once the last person signed the document, we were guided to an establishment that administered the appropriate equipment for our level of training. They gave us leather gloves, chest plates, hip holsters, a helmet, and a steel sword.

"You will do well to keep this equipment under your protection; you'll need them." Lau roared once more. We all shouted, "Yes, Sir!"

Next, we were guided to an installation called Devils Pit. This is where we would be staying while under training. Besides the rusty metals and broken pieces, the place wasn't that bad. We were separated by age and gender. I was stuck with about nine guys on our floor. The beds were scattered around the floor in such spontaneous areas. Likewise, the floor wasn't like the exterior of the building.

When all of us were situated, one of our preceptors entered the room, and the mood changed. The man looked like he shouldn't be an instructor. He had an eye patch on one eye, and his other eye was scarred. He wore a slightly torn robe, and his hair was black and extended past his shoulders.

"Hmm, what a fascinating preference for warriors we bear today." He said while pacing around the room with his hands behind his back. "Question is, who thinks they have what it takes to be a sword chaser?" He persisted in saying. One of the guys on our floor said, "We all have what it takes to become sword chasers."

He chuckled and exited the room. We all looked at each other and just carried on. While opening my assigned cupboard, The door had some artistic carvings in them. They reminded me of the same one my sister had at the foot of her bed.

"Alright, warriors, meet back in front of the building in five minutes." The primary preceptor said as he walked in. He glared across the room, and we all shouted, "Yes, Sir!" He nodded and then left the floor.

Seconds later, we all rushed, packed our gear away, and bolted downstairs. When our floor arrived, the formation was almost complete. But, unfortunately, one of the female floors was missing.

Lau had his arms crossed while pacing back and forward. The final floor just joined the formation and the preceptor. The instructors were bickering at the last ones. Finally, they told them that being last can be dangerous.

However, they gave them a pass and threatened them with removal from training.

Lau introduced himself as our primary instructor once more, and the strange man from earlier introduced himself. His name was L'lived Karns, and he was the secondary instructor. Two more individuals were our instructors. One was a woman, and the other was a man.

The woman was named Retse Doolb, and she had white hair that reached the ground. She wore a shoulder pad with wrist guards and a chest plate. Her bottoms were skin-tight leather trousers.

The man was named Eramthgin Daed. He wore silver-plated armor all around. His hair was dark brown and reached his neck. He looked like a hard-ass. He seemed like the type to stand, challenging to impress.

Lau took the stage and began talking about the importance of sword chasing. He said that if the world didn't have sword chasers, the world would be eradicated by the spell chasers.

He ranted for a brief moment and got to the point. He pulled the amulet he had earlier out of his pocket and said, "Today, we will find out what element you have." He walked around the formation and checked everyone. No one has been past three elements since he started. Apparently, it's scarce to go above the three and four marks.

The person next to me got one element which was lightning. However, even though he has one element, he has achieved a pleasing one. Lau placed the amulet on my chest, and the five gems around the edge illuminated, making the center gem light up.

The light became so bright that it made it unbearable to look at. Finally, he snatched it from my chest, looked at me with horror, and said, "My God, no one has ever made the center gem glow so bright. Who are you?" I told him my name, and he asked if I belonged to the royal family. I denied it, and he and the other instructors told me I had fantastic elements.

Lau said I managed to obtain all five spaces of the elemental chaser limit. My elements were ice, solar air, lightning, and fire.

L'lived said that I was almost at the cosmic level but fell short. Retes was stunned. She looked at me intriguingly as if she was studying me. Lau finished checking everyone and found someone with four out of five spaces. She was named Imani Haulder and was blond with a battle suit on.

Lau centered himself in front of the formation and began our training.