
Enemy Chaser: I Want My Revenge

While hunting down a team that was said to be responsible for destroying his home, Adrian Dylan has sworn vengeance against all current members of Revelation. But in order to take them down, he needs to train and become strong enough to take them down. But in the very end, there will be a twist.

Anthony_Galloway · Fantasy
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24 Chs

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The monster sprung an attack at me. I used a combination of fire and air to increase my acceleration. I had to time my attack perfectly. I could only stop him if I hit him quickly. But I also have to hit him hard.

First, I get some space between us. Then, I summoned my sword and zoomed toward him. Unfortunately, his speed increased as well. His jabs nearly came in contact with me. I had to back off and figure out how to outmatch his speed.

He pursued me further and left me no room to dodge. Finally, he hit me with a powerful blow and knocked my sword out of my hand. His quick jab knocked me off my feet. I stumbled over a pile of mud and fell. He leaped above me and came down with force. I barely dodged it. The impact of the slam sent shockwaves that cracked in the air.

I grabbed my sword and ran for it. He was quicker than me. I couldn't do anything. I thought that my training could handle him. But I couldn't give up. My people need a strong leader.

I came to a halt and turned to him. "Aren't you going to run?" He asked.

My body was shaking from the shock. Then, I eject fire and lightning at him. He swiftly evaded it and kicked me in my chest. I crashed into the ground. My body was in so much pain.

I slowly stand on my feet and say, "For Iron."

He grinned and said, "You are braver than your father. I'll give you that."

I closed my fist and channeled all my power into my fist. My fist started gleaming. Then, I plant my feet on the ground and say, "I'm not going to move from this spot."

He advanced towards me. The ground beneath him rumbled as he came closer. When he was close enough to smell, I shuffled to my right and found an open spot to strike. His lower right side was exposed. This was my chance to finish this. I release my strike, and the blow splits him back into two people.

Blaque and his clone were shocked to see me defeat them.

Blaque was furious. He said that no one had ever defeated him. I was quivering out of anger. My elements went nuts. It was like that one time back at chaser school. All of my elements, excluding solar, started destroying the land around us.

Blaque looked at his clone and said, "He can create cataclysms." His clone backed off and said, "We should get out of here. Immediately." Blaque was speechless. He just looked at me like he wanted to obliterate me. "I want you to do something for me," I said suddenly.

I launched toward the clone and used my sword to slice his head off. Blaque didn't see me. I gazed back at him and said, "Tell your leader. I'm going to destroy all of you."

Blaque's dark power surrounded him, and he vanished. But, unfortunately, the clone's body was gone as well.

I looked around and stared at the destruction of my power. When I finished, I limped back to the palace.

Once I arrived, some royal knights carried me to a medical expert. They addressed my wounds, and luckily, none were lethal. I thanked them for their service and was on my way.

I quickly went back to the palace and found one of my Generals. They asked me what had happened. I told him what had happened, and he was astonished. He was surprised that I survived two members at the same time. I told him it wasn't easy, and they also have amazing capabilities.

I told him to inform the other Generals and prepare for the worst. He bowed and went to find the other Generals.