
Enel the God of Thunder

Vladimir Kuznetsov died and was reborn in the body of Enel Сразу скажу что ошибок будет просто куча и английский не мой родной язык поэтому те кому это не нравится проходите мимо Так же сразу отмечу что One Piece не мой это просто фанфик который может быть брошен (но это не точно) I have to say right away that there will be just a bunch of mistakes, and English is not my native language, so those who don't like it pass by I will also immediately note that One Piece is not mine, it's just a fan fiction that I can throw (but it's not accurate)

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Finding Wings

Finding Wings

I'm fifteen. My life is not boring, but rather monotonous. And all because I lost my parents two years ago. There was a fire that occurred due to a short circuit. Or because of some kind of electrical device-I don't remember anymore. It happened at night when my family was sleeping. I myself was with friends in a nearby park. According to the firefighters, my mom and dad suffocated in their sleep because of the smoke. Even now, it makes me sick to think about this incident.

I had no other relatives, so I ended up in an orphanage. I mourned the most beloved people in my life for another month and a half. New friends helped to get out of this pit of despair, the same orphans, beaten by fate. Let the pain subside, but the scar will remain.

And it would be correct to say that a person who has experienced the loss of a loved one will never be the same. After the fire, I became colder, tougher and bolder. Now the concept of fear has disappeared, as has shame. Yes, even if I had not committed any immoral acts, but the black, vulgar humor continued to escape from my lips.

My old connections are lost. Those with whom I spent my free time stopped communicating with me. However, this is due to my lack of means of communication - the phone burned down in the apartment. Old friends were replaced by new ones - Dima, Shurik and Sanek. We slept in the same room, and that's why we became friends. We went to the same class, let each other cheat, smoked behind fences... a lot could have been done if it weren't for these two shepherds.

There were problems with stray dogs in our city, for some reason I felt like one of them, and therefore it was not uncommon to see a small pack of mongrels. The capture was carried out, as was the shooting. Let it help, but the animals still attacked passing people. So it happened with Nastya.

This is also one of my friends. A beautiful girl my age. She was short, about six feet tall, with brown hair that she always wore in pigtails. She always went in the company of her friends - Svetka and Ksyusha. One evening, the trio wandered around the city and returned to curfew. I sat on the steps at the entrance to the shelter and watched the cars passing by. I like to sit in silence and watch.

I got up and was about to enter the building, as you already understood, I heard a chorus of screeching girls. As I approached the fence, I noticed three people running away from two German Shepherd dogs. "What kind of fascist duo is this?" he asked himself mentally, looking at the dogs. Unhurriedly went outside the fence and began waving to the girls with his hands. They noticed me and quickened their pace. It's not for nothing that they were awarded awards for achievements in running. I wasn't very mobile myself. Rather, the tank is tall (meter ninety), strong, but heavy. No, not fat, but I weighed quite a lot. It doesn't always play into my hands. In boxing, my sport, in which I had several silver medals, they always put some bully against me. Thank God that I had an order with the "force" and my rivals were exhausted from the blows.

The girls ran behind the gate, and I immediately locked it. Naturally, thanks, hugs and so on were showered. But I, a cold lump, reminded them of such a late hour and asked them to go to their room. So that evening passed.

The next morning after charging, as always, I went to school because I needed it. Prosr...I stayed there until the second hour and returned home. More precisely, in an orphanage. Walking down the alley, I saw two guys accosting a young woman, and decided to help. "Yes, I am a real speeder driver!" he chuckled to himself and called out to these two. They turned their attention to me, and the woman, taking advantage of the moment, ran away. Gopniki, of course, got angry. One rushed at me with his fists, but was skillfully blocked and severely beaten on the torso. While this one was rolling back, the second one offered aggressive resistance. It was immediately obvious that he was stronger than that duck, but still, it was not for nothing that they called me "Tanchik". His hit on me was equal to my ten. Soon the second rolled back to the wall. Something rustled behind me, I turned around and got a knife right under my chest. I was shocked by it. And immediately began to blame himself for such carelessness. The blade came out of me and pierced me again, just a little to the right. Where the heart is located. I felt this foreign object with every cell and, thank God, I did not feel pain because of the shock. I just looked at his stubbly face. His accomplice came up from behind and threw me, these two started kicking my body. And I was already far, very far away...

There was a feeling of sleep. As if there was no meeting with bandits, my sadness and eternal pain. It was as if I was cleansed, rested and gained strength. And so I opened my eyes: I'm lying and looking at the blue sky, where there are no clouds. I wiggle my fingers and develop my arms. I get up. To my surprise, I found myself in a boat on very strange water. As if it consisted of... clouds? After examining my body, I realized that there was no trace of these wounds. And the body, on the contrary, has matured and strengthened. I never dreamed of such a physique: developed torso muscles, strong hands with the same fingers, slender legs... I felt uneasy. There was no reflection in such water, and I couldn't look at myself. There was nothing to do. I sat back and blinked. I wanted to think about the current situation, about how everything was floating around. This happens when you abruptly get up from a prone position. But now it was much more painful.

As I realized later, new memories of a new body were pouring into me. Now I am not Vladik Kuznetsov, but the future God Enel! One thing I noticed right away: I didn't have long ears or a hoop on my back. Of course, I was glad of that.

My soul has moved from my world to the world of a Part (one part)!

And at that moment something clicked in my head Is the theory of the multiverse true, or am I just starting to prendit in a dying state, I got up and walked from the edge to the edge of the boat and realized that I was quite alive in my head there were just a lot of questions how and why, but it's better to put it aside for now since I'm here and then it's worth using my capabilities to the maximum

I put my hand forward and imagined the energy that could come out of it and at that moment my forearms turned into lightning and shot it ahead of the standing clouds that were no longer there from the rapid flow of lightning passing through them, I immediately began to rejoice and indulge in every way with my acquired abilities as my heart desires, but after 5 minutes I decided to sit down and do an analysis

1 I am one of the lucky ones who was reborn in a new world at the same time immediately having such power with me that there is a sense of a trick

2 I know everything that happened in the manga up to chapter 1010 and I can say that I have a very long way to go if I want to become a pirate or a marine

3 I have a huge advantage on my side because in fact I know what will happen in the future 4 It is necessary to find my way in this world

By Finding My Way, I mean that Enel's original path was to become an Antagonist for Mugiwar in the Arch of Skype, but now that I have become the owner of this body, I don't really want to spoil relations with the future pirate king, so I have to choose

And at that moment I just hit the stern of the boat with my face


I do not know what to do

I have no idea what to do to be honest, I should be glad that I got such opportunities that many of the people can only dream of, but I absolutely do not know what to do now this world is very dangerous so much that it is simply impossible to convey in words how many more secrets I do not know despite the fact that I finished reading the manga to 1010 chapters and I just lay down in the back position and stared at the sky

And at that moment I remembered all the antics of Luffy from anime and manga and wherever he went, he always got into trouble and magically got out of them

this body is now 15 years old and Luffy will be born only in 5 years, which means that the execution of the Pirate King Gol D Rorera is still 3 years away

Yeah waiting 25 years for Luffy to go to the open sea is a great Treasure


I stood up and looked at the boundless white sea

Clear ahead

It 's clear from the left

With the right Oro Jackson

Behind the island well then so stop

I looked to the right and saw an approaching ship with a skull and a disheveled mustache At that moment I miraculously heard voices from the ship

"Captain, it looks like there's a boat and there's some type on it," said a young voice with nodules of fun

"That's right, I see him looking in our direction with an awesome face," said a childish voice

At that moment I realized that the universe has some kind of plans for me.