
Chapter 18

The round table in the conference room was surrounded by Ethan and his board members.

They were having their annual meeting of the year as usual.

The meeting gave each board member the opportunity to give his or her own opinion on the development of the company and some steps that will contribute to the efficiency of the company.

As the meeting was going on Ethan's phone that was in his pocket started vibrating and immediately he brought it out he saw that it was Ella calling and immediately he hanged it up and returned it to his pocket.

After some seconds the phone started ringing again and immediately he saw that it was Ella's number once again he hanged it up again but as he was about to return it to his pocket it started vibrating again and once he saw that it was still Ella calling he excused himself and went outside before picking up the call.

"Hello babe I can't talk now I'm having an urgent meeting with my board members"Ethan informed Ella across the phone.