
Chapter 11

As the days passed, Ethan's situation became more dire. His company was on the verge of bankruptcy.

He had used almost fifty percent of his company's capital plus all the savings Ella had made from her restaurant to pay off the half of the debt he owed Mr Bernard and because of that both the company of Ethan and Ella's restaurant suffered great loss.

They sold their apartment and moved to the family's mansion since Mr. Jonathan and and his wife had returned to England.

Mr Bernard on the other hand kept on pressuring Ethan to pay him back the remaining money he had borrowed from his company.

All Ethan's pleas for him to be patient with him went on deaf ears. It was like pouring water on the leaf of a cocoa yam.

When Mr. Bernard noticed that his pressures on Ethan wasn't yielding any results he started threatening him through his social media handle with some text messages like. "You don't know who you are messing with."