
Endless Reincarnation Into The Fictional Omniverse

A bored ROB (Random Omnipotent Being which is Panda) sneezed and killed an Otaku College Student named Xing Ye (Starry Night in English and Seiya in Japanese). Panda didn't start a conversation since Panda ignored him as he immediately banish him into a newly created Fictional Omniverse with a random gift, he pick with his eyes closed using a slot machine. Xing Ye will acquire one random permanent ability for every time he reincarnates. Xing Ye thought it wasn't a bad deal until he finally knew what world he reincarnated into. The first world he reincarnated to was the world of the Detective Conan where any murder can happen as long as the Death God named Conan goes there. Xing Ye only knew that it was the World of Detective Conan because he accidently saw the newspaper when he was 1 years old and saw titled saying Inspector Megure with his partner Police Officer Mouri Kogoro has successfully stop the criminal's plan to bomb Shinjuku. *I do not own the cover image, found it on pinterest and the character's name in the picture is Horikawa Kunihiro which is a fan art since the anime Touken Ranbu only shows the teenage looking Horikawa Kunihiro. *Updates will not be stable *This Fanfic focuses on a Harem Goal. *This is a +18 Fanfic with a lot of sexual and dangerous content, you have been warned *Don't Bash, English is not my forte. Panda's master is the google translate which means a lot of robot like text *Just like Stephen Strange: Yeah, you know, you really should have stolen (Readed) the whole book (Introduction) because the warnings... The warnings come *after* the spells (reading it).

PandaWanKenobi · Anime & Comics
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91 Chs

Chapter 23: Akai Shuichi

It was the next morning, when Vermouth slowly opened her eyes as she saw Seiya sleeping with his arms holding her waist. She remembered what happened yesterday night which made surprise, she slowly tries to slip away only for Seiya to open his eyes as he said.

"You woke up, I thought you would sleep until lunch time."

Seiya slowly went out of the bed while removing his hands from her waist, although both of them are reluctant for different reason. They still knew that it was inappropriate as the premise was that they don't know each other, but Vermouth still ask as she felt that Seiya knew her at least remembered her.

"Do you remember me?"

"You should be the beautiful sister that was works in the clinic of Teitan High school 15 to 18 years ago, although I wasn't certain before. But after getting close to you, I still smelled that same body fragrance like when I was a little boy."

"So what are you going to do with me?"

"If I was on duty then I would detain and question you on why you got shot and who is chasing you. But I'm on break and doing an operation last night made me feel tired, so let rest for the week. Beside its a long time acquaintance, so there are a lot of things to talk about."

Seiya walks and lay down on the sofa while saying this, he then rub his forehead to act like he was tired and stress. Vermouth felt relieved as she slowly relax her tense body. Seiya ask as he called for the room service for breakfast.

"Any breakfast you like to eat? because I'm starving.."

"Eggs and Bacon with Toast and Apple Juice..."

"Alright, it probably take 30 minutes or so before our food to arrived. So relax and watch the television, your pursuer are probably down stair or in the street."

Seiya said this after ordering 5 sets of breakfast, the atmosphere of the room was a bit silent as the television played an American show. It took a few minutes, before Seiya ask while standing up and checking his bag.

"By the way the shirt you wore last night, I had to tear it for the operation. did you check in a hotel? or should I buy you a new clothes?"

"Just buy new clothes~"

Vermouth spoke without hesitation because she wasn't sure if the hotel she check in would be investigated, she wrote her sizes in a piece of paper and gave it to Seiya who nodded as he placed his second pajama set and towel onto the bed while also placing a few hundred dollar bills and a couple of ten dollars on the table. He said.

"You can take a light shower, but don't take a long bath or else the stitches and wound will open up. Here is some cash just in case while also don't forget to tip the staff~ I be back with your clothes."

Seiya left after nagging Vermouth like a caretaker, he felt like this came from Mamako's influence. Vermouth could even see Mamako's shadow as Seiya nags about what to do and what not to do, he went down not knowing that he will encounter another trouble. He went to the nearest store that sell female clothing brand, and ask the store employee of what clothes with Vermouth's size. While picking a couple of shirts and pants that was trendy, who knew that a certain acquaintance would appear on the store's entrance. Akai Shuichi went inside as he saw Seiya, Seiya felt his gaze so he turns around as he saw Akai. He ignored him but Akai spoke in English with a certain provocation while walking towards him.

"I didn't expect Chief Starry would buy some female clothing, who is it for?"


Seiya spoke with an indifference expression, they encountered each other 1 year and 8 months ago when he was just a Forensic Doctor that just started in the department. There was a foreign terrorist case that needed the LAPD and FBI to cooperate, although it sounds like a team. But in reality, there are too many organization who looks down on the police so there were conflicts, one of the FBI agents even insulted Seiya while the other agents mocks Seiya. When the agent tried to push Seiya down because he looks down on his yellow face look, Seiya used an Aikido Takedown.

He grabs the hand using his left hand and push it down before using his right arm when he moved forward. His right arm pushes through the FBI agent's neck which made the agent fall down with a loud sound, Seiya said at the time while yawning.

"Ignorant and Pathetic~"

The FBI agents that saw their friend on the ground felt angry as they tried to gang up against Seiya who began to do simple and crude move, The first one who tried to punch Seiya in the face, got him slam towards his buddy as Seiya avoided his punch while palming then grabbing his lower face. The other agents were even worst as Seiya freaking kick their balls because their legs were apart each other. Akai Shuichi who was a vice leader of the case and Seiya's superior heard the noise outside the room this made them open the door and saw the end result of Seiya's obliteration.

Akai at that time wanted to force Seiya to apologize even though it wasn't his fault, Seiya ignored him which led Akai to subdue him. Who knew that when Akai grab Seiya's right shoulder, he grabs Akai's hand and forwardly pulled him down as his body move backward. Akai was knock on the ground, Seiya stared at his superior as he said while pointing at a camera near the ceiling of the edge of the hallway.

"Evidence of their act of bullying is caught in the CCTV.."

Seiya then walks away, anyway inside the store Akai tried to provoke Seiya who was on break. But he ignored him like the wind as he paid for the clothes that the store employee recommended and left without saying goodbye to Akai who held a murderous intent, they were only temporarily cooperation at that time and the agents of the FBI even spread rumors which destroyed his image to other police officers, but Seiya ignored it as he rise up to the rank of Chief Head of the Field Investigation Unit.

Seiya went back to the hotel room to see Vermouth still watching an American Show while wearing his pajama set, he said while placing her clothes down on the bed.

"I bought the clothes, have you eaten?"

"Yes, the breakfast of this hotel is delicious."

Vermouth licks her lip as Seiya took the remaining breakfast on to the table near the sofa, he then began eating while Vermouth checks the clothes. She then ask which made Seiya stop at his action.

"You didn't buy an underwear and bra?"

"...You never wrote your sizes for Lingerie....."

Seiya then continued eating as he ignored Vermouth whose eyebrow twitches, she sighed as she continued to watch the show in bed while Seiya ate his breakfast at the sofa. The atmosphere was a bit silent and harmonious in a way.

Panda is still improving his way on interfering and recreating the personality of a character.... Panda still can't help but feel like a robot when creating the dialogue... After this part, our Character will go home to his home country...Any thoughts if our Character becomes a consultant with Tokyo Metropolitan Police while also being a physician in Ekoda High School where Magic Kaito students are?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

PandaWanKenobicreators' thoughts