
2B-2: No escape

He had been laying there for almost 3 days. He wasn't feeling thirsty or hungry anymore, but he constantly felt tired. Probably from the dozens of open wounds on himself. They hurt so bad, and yet he wasn't dying.

"Navio... where did you go..." No response. He was all alone, in that cathedral, with nothing. Well, there was a single piece of glass, but it hadn't helped him die. He wanted to save it for when he was on the brink of insanity, but that was basically where he was now. He stood up, barely, and looked at the glass.

He was inside the memory now. And it was their fight. Navio was there, but where had he gone? That's when he saw the future. It showed... oh my God. FUCK NO NO NO NO. THIS- NO. HE WASN'T EVER GOING TO GET OUT NOW. NO NO NO NO. He ran towards Shaun's rotting corpse, shaking it violently in hopes he would come back. Nothing. He was doomed. This was his hell now.

Play dropdead by Frums