
2-2: I cannot say

Lucas walked into Issac's house, letting out a deep sigh. He wasn't ready to tell Issac the truth, that he shouldn't have lived. Issac sat down on the couch and gestured for Issac to join him. He gulped anxiously but sat. They turned on the TV just as the report for the minor earthquake ended. It probably wasn't seen as important, especially since it was California.

"You acted high and predicted an earthquake. Explain yourself."

"I want to but I can't."

"Look, I know it's hard to stop, and you may still feel dependent-"


"Guess I'll add that to your list of drug withdrawal symptoms to report."

"No- I-, UGH! It isn't drugs! I just can't tell you!"

"What do you mean you can't tell me?! You and I promised we'd do this together and if you aren't willing to let me help you, then how can I trust you?!" Issac shouted.

"IT'S NOT ABOUT THE GOD DAMN DRUGS! I mean you wouldn't believe me if I told you what happened!"

"And I won't ever trust you if you don't tell me, so what's it gonna be?"

"Fine! I come from an alternative universe where I died, but my soul lived on in a world of memory fragments, and I used them to alter the course of my life so I wouldn't overdose! Happy?!"

"... I have... no words..."

"That's what I thought." Lucas stood up and headed for the front door.

"I'm going on a walk, don't follow me."

Lucas slammed the door shut and just as he headed off, he heard one last thing from Issac.

"I'm sorry..."

Lucas began walking towards the shore they lived nearby. As he walked, he wondered if Issac would believe what he said. Would he think he was crazy, and sign him up for more programs? Or would he believe him? Just then, a wave of dizziness rushed over him. He knew what would come next. He laid flat on the ground and seconds later, a violet earthquake knocked over every trash can out on the block, dropping some on him as well.

"That was the second one today, and it was much worse..."

It wasn't long before people came rushing out of their homes, some minorly injured, most of them were just panicking. Up ahead was an electronics store with TV's immediately tuning into the emergency news station. Everyone began flocking to see the report.

"Attention all residents of Riverside, California. Just moments ago, a 5-magnitude earthquake struck. There was an additional tremor recorded earlier this morning at 9 am local time, at an intermediate to considerable depth of 200 km below the surface. This comes after scientists have discovered the Earth's core temperature has been significantly rising since one week ago. Researchers urge residents to prep their homes with emergency shelters and secure any bulky furniture, as this isn't expected to be the end of the earthquakes."

The message repeated over and over, sending a sense of dread through Lucas's body. For some reason, he knew things were only going to get worse.

"Lucas! I heard the news! Are-"

Lucas turned his head slowly to Issac, his intense despair bleeding through his face.

"You knew again, didn't you?"

"I... I did..."

"Ok, we seriously need to talk. No more bullshit, I'll take what you say at face value, but whatever your hiding needs to come out, now."

The two ran home together, and for a split second, Lucas knew exactly what was going to happen next. They needed to figure something out soon, or their world would collapse.

Play CROSS✞OVER by HyuN feat. LyuU