
1B-2: I won't die

Brian was halfway down the cliff, still falling. He didn't know if there was a ground, or if this was a sea of memories, nevertheless it would be excruciatingly painful. He simply closed his eyes and awaited his inevitable doom. He had tried at least, so that man couldn't be too mad, right? Yeah... he had tried...

That's when he finally landed, but he wasn't dead, or in pain. "Ahoy there matey! Uh, that is how I say it, right?" Brian looked down to see the two pirates from before. He had landed in a net they had set up.

"What... we're you guys expecting this?"

"Well we were justing watching from down here, so we kind of expected someone to fall down, glad we prepared!"

"Thank you guys so much, you saved my life... that guy up there is crazy!"

"Yes, we can tell. How about we do a 3v1?"

"Overpowering him does seem like the best option, but do you guys really want to risk your lives for this?"

"These fires are really making the air unbearable. I mean, we weren't planning on staying in the conflict side any longer, but still."

With that said, the trio climbed back up the cliffs edge to find that Victor had been long gone. The building before them was burning brightly, and the three already knew what would become of the next building.

"I'm done with this clown, this ends now."

"Why is it that you want to stop him, if I may ask?"

"...I ... he killed someone... and now I have to avenge him."

"Do you though? It's not like he asked you to, did he?"

"No but, you don't understand, I could have saved him I'd I was faster, but I did nothing, I just..."

"Kid, this isn't your fault, and it isn't your responsibility to avenge this person you didn't know. I'd understand if this was just out of kindness but your doing this because you feel responsible and that's completely different. I'm not going to try to stop you from coming with us, but I'd highly suggest walking away from this."

Brian looked down at the cold ground. Was it really okay to just let this manic keep going? No. He wouldn't stand for this. He had a new purpose now. Destroy the psychopath. Not for that man. Not for these two. But for him.

"I won't let that fucker burn another building, or kill anyone else. I'll make him pay for what he's done. I'll be the one to end his little run."

Play Vicious Heroism by Kobaryo