
1A-9: The castle in the sky

Issac ran home from the bus stop with glee. His neighbors had stopped giving him the odd stares and started to accept the new Issac. He dashed through the front door and quietly shut the door behind him.

"Time to get to work!"

He started with his assignments. Simple enough. Then, he did a short workout. A bit tougher, but worth it's benefits! And finally, dinner. Oh, and a little dessert as a reward! After everything, he headed straight to bed with a smile on his face. He couldn't wait to meet up with Lucas and talk about everything that had happened!

But when he rose up in the bright world, he couldn't find him anywhere. He check up in the high branches of the tree, since he liked to sleep there sometimes, but Lucas was nowhere to be seen. Where could he have gone? He surely didn't just disappear, right? Well there was only one thing he could do now. He started walking in a random direction. Besides, even if he never found him, he would awaken at the tree again tomorrow, and surely he'd be there then! Right?

It took what felt like almost days but he finally came across something in the bright world.

"Is that... a castle?"

Yes, it was! A castle in the sky! And it looked like someone was up there! Was is Lucas? Just as the figure noticed Issac had seen them, they ran into the massive palace.

"Hey, wait! Who are you?" They didn't respond. He needed to get closer...

He thought about who it could be. It surely had to be Lucas, he hadn't seen anyone else in this world, so it could only be them, right? But at the same time, a world this massive surely had to be others. He questioned this shortly, but remembered there wasn't much time left. He could wake up at any given moment.

"I should be able to make a staircase if I set my mind to it... alright, here I go!"