
1A-4: Castle

Shaun approached the structure without many worries, this poor soul had no idea what fate had in mind for him. As he walked inside, he looked for some place to finally rest. He found a quarters nearby with a very comfortable bed! How nice... he wondered how Gavin was holding up. "I need to find more memories..." As he had been walking towards the structure, he had found about 2 other memories. You'd think after being told by an entity from the future not to sleep on a specific date, you'd listen, but I guess not.

He wandered into the courtyard, surrounded by candles which lit the way. He sat in the middle, wondering what to do next. There was still a line of memories behind him, although it didn't seem to be creating anything specific. He found himself in the castles library, and as soon as he stepped inside hundreds or thousands of memories rushed to join the line behind him. He was overwhelmed by the experiences happening all at once and even lost his balance. Suddenly, that line started moving. It was a snake? Wait, oh no.

He quickly realized what danger he was in, but it was to late. It stared into his eyes, menacingly, ready to fight. Shaun was struck with fear, and finally, broke through and started running.

Play Ether Strike by Akira Complex

He was back in the courtyard, cornered by the snake. Out of nowhere it charged and grabbed him by the neck. It raised him up into the air and squeezed him tightly. The beasts shards were cutting into Shaun's throat and it stung and burned. He couldn't breathe and just as he was fading out, it let him go. He fell straight down, and as he was fading out of consciousness, felt the back of the his bang against the concrete floor.