
1A-3: Change of plans

He was still feeling, why was he still feeling? Wasn't he supposed to be dead? Was this what death actually felt like? No, he was still alive! The beast had stopped inches away from his face, but why? Suddenly it kneeled to him... what? Was it not just trying to kill him a few seconds ago? Suddenly he realized, the beast was made up of memories of him and Gavin. He saw something bright inside of it. He reached in, and was immediately blinded.

He woke up in a middle school, and his past self seemed to be hurt. Gavin came up, "What happened? Who did this to you?!" I remembered now. I had been beat up a bit. My past self just sat there with a dead look. My past... wasn't so great. I finally spoke, "You... you won't abandon me, right? Ever?" Gavin looked shocked, reasonably so, "Your bleeding and your gonna ask if I'll abandon you? Come on, get to the nurse." He had never given me an answer.

Then I was back in the world of glass. That's when I realized, the beast, it wasn't trying to kill me. It was afraid of me leaving it, just like in the memory. I didn't know what to do, until I did. "I would never abandon you." And with that, the beast disintegrated and became a single memory. I took it with me, and sat in silence for a bit.

Play Lumia by sky_delta