
1A-2: What in the...

When Issac awoke to the light, he could immediately tell it wasn't the sun that stung his eyes every morning, no this was much brighter. Much worse. He was completely enveloped in the light. And he wasn't on his mattress, no, he was on rock-solid ground. Where was he? Not his room, not his town, maybe not even his planet. He was completely enveloped in the light as if the sun had decided it was ok to sit right in front of him. He looked up to see a normal sky and looked down to see a land with ravines everywhere, with seemingly bottomless pits.

This certainly was much different from the usual nightmare, but Issac wasn't sure if he liked this any better. The light felt suffocating. He looked around hopelessly to see if there was any sort of shade or anything at all that contrasted the purge of white.

His glace happened upon multiple burnt buildings in the distance, the dark ashes delighting his eyes which almost felt like they would completely melt away is he looked away. It was in a much darker area too, it was practically calling to him. He ducked into some debris to shield his eyes. He just needed to slowly adjust his eyes instead of being shoved into something that bad. Every 30 seconds or so, he would slowly move his eyes back to the sky. He swore he could hear muffled pleas for help from the rubble. Creepy.

As he pulled away, he thought he saw someone in the distance. Wait, no, that really was someone. Three people! Four? Something was wrong. One of them was laying on the floor, were they dead?! The one standing next to the dead one held onto a lighter, laughing maniacally. The two standing away from him started to back up, and then suddenly fired off a cannon at him! Maybe he didn't want to stick around there, back to the light again.

He walked back into the blinding world and looked around, no one in sight. He walked on for a few minutes, and then his alarm clock rung. Ha, of course, it was just a stupid dream. Although it did make him realize that the sun in his eyes every morning wasn't that bad.

What had that dream meant? Every dream had a meaning, right? But that made absolutely no sense... perhaps he was just overthinking things. It was a Saturday, so he decided to stay curled under his blankets for another hour or two. What a strange strange world...